Three. The year that is lasting forever. The year that is making me laugh and cry, but mostly cry. Having a three  year old means I go from moments like this… To this… In a matter of minutes. It means a tiny tornado (er, Charnado) of emotions, demands, and messes. It means never being sure…

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I love when my past blog posts pop up on my TimeHop app, so I really am going to try to be better and updating my blog on the everyday stuff of life that I will surely forget if I don’t write it down. School Updates: Grayson has 2 weeks of Kindergarten under his belt!…

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Dear Nolan,  Happy Birthday big boy! I sit here writing you this letter as you sit in your highchair, inhaling blueberries (you LOVE blueberries) and I think about a year ago at about this time, early in the morning. I was anxious, uncomfortable, and so, so ready to meet you. Thankfully, later that evening, I…

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Well, here we are. Monday morning I will drop off Grayson at his classroom in his new school, and he will officially be a Kindergartner. I’ll leave him for more than seven hours in a brand new place with brand new people taking care of him. I’m a little nervous for him, but mostly I’m…

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Dear Nolan,One month until you are one! I think back to a year ago, when we didn’t know you were you (or even a he), and how hot and miserable I was. I’m so glad that this hot August I’ll be snuggling you on the outside! You’ve had a big month developmentally. You are cruising everywhere…

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I may lose some followers over this post, and I’m just going to have to be ok with that. But for six years, I’ve processed my life on this blog, and I have to process this. I’m not going to apologize if this offends you, but I’m happy to have an honest, respectful dialogue about…

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What a long, strange summer. On a personal level, we are chugging along, but I find myself losing patience with the kids with no real structured schedule or weekly plans. The past few weeks have been hot and boring, with naps being hit or miss, and only a handful of hours a week that it’s logistically possible…

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Dear Charlotte, Today, my beautiful little girl, you are three and a half. Yesterday, I let you pick out a dress, we washed and blow-dried your hair and went outside and took these pictures. Most of the time, it’s so hard to imagine what you will look like in 2, 5 or 10 years, but I…

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Dear Nolan, This letter is a few days late; you actually turned 10 months old on Friday, but I was in Michigan for your great-grandfather’s funeral, while you and your sibs hung out with Daddy at home. You never got to meet your Papap, but he would have been delighted by you. Nolan, we are…

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