Medical Update
Thank you everyone who read and/or commented on yesterday’s post. I am so blessed to have such wonderful, supportive friends and family. I love you all. We just got back from Grayson’s 6th month appointment. Here are the stats: Weight: 13 pounds, 7 ounces (0.87%)Height: 25.75 inches (20.91 %) WOW! Head Circumference: 15.98 inches (0.74%)…
Why I Need to Invest in Waterproof Mascara
I hate crying in front of other people- I get so embarrassed, which makes it harder to stop crying. For some reason, if I’m going to have a meltdown, it’s always at church. I should know by now to carry tissues in my purse, as I’ve been losing it at church for years. So I…
Just Add it to the List
Grayson’s occupational therapist came for a visit today. Bless her heart, she is the sweetest woman in the world- she just loves Grayson, even though he screams his little head off most times she comes. But she holds him tight and sings to him until he calms down- it’s so sweet. Today, little McFussy was…
6 Months: Happy Half Birthday Grayson!
Happy Half Birthday to my sweet Little Man! Six months- wow! I wonder how many hours of sleep I’ve lost in the last 6 months? Hundreds. Diapers changed and bottles made? Thousands. Kisses on those sweet little cheeks? Millions. How many times I’ve been amazed with love for this little creature? Zillions. Here are the stats:…
How Does This Happen?
How did he go from this… To this… in less than 6 months?! How does this happen, and where have I been?!? I just know I’m going to wake up tomorrow and he’s going to be 12.
Zoom! Zoom!
I have a true boy on my hands- I discovered this morning that Grayson loves cars. Well, maybe not the wheels, the shiny paint, or even the actual car itself…but the sound a car makes. Or the sound that Mommy says it makes. I put a bib on him this morning that has a car…
Fun Day
Spring Break is here! After spending most of the day yesterday cleaning and purging the room that will eventually be Grayson’s big-boy room (until yesterday, it was the catch-all crap room) we decided to have a fun family day today. Ryan, my mom, Grayson and I took a little day trip to the Kemah boardwalk. We…
I Just Don't Get It
Things that make me say hmmm… Sister Wives. Forget that polygamy is illegal and well, gross. I just think that guy on the show is a tool. And yet, he has what, four wives? Grayson’s new “thing”- rolling from his back to his tummy and then screaming. Put him back on his back and he’s fine.…
On Adoption
For a few years now, I’ve really had a heart for adoption. I knew I wanted to have a biological child, and now that I have, I really want to experience pregnancy and giving birth again, if possible. But when I picture our complete family, there’s a little girl from China in that picture. When…