I Just Don't Get It
March 14, 2011
Things that make me say hmmm…
- Sister Wives. Forget that polygamy is illegal and well, gross. I just think that guy on the show is a tool. And yet, he has what, four wives?
- Grayson’s new “thing”- rolling from his back to his tummy and then screaming. Put him back on his back and he’s fine. Repeat. Does he not understand the concept of free will – that he can stay on his back if he chooses?
- My Friday conversation with G’s pediatrician’s office:
Me: I need to schedule my son’s 6 month checkup
Scheduler: When do you want to come in?
Me: Well, he’ll be 6 months on the 22nd; do you have anything the morning of the 23rd?
Scheduler: No, she has no appointments that morning.
Me: What about that afternoon?
Scheduler: She’s only here in the morning that day.
Me: What about on the 22nd?
Scheduler: No
This goes on for about 3 more suggestions of dates from me. Then…
Me: What appointments does she have that week?
Scheduler: Oh, she doesn’t have anything available that week.
Really? REALLY?
Disclaimer: I love our pediatrician. Apparently she has to work with idiots. Poor woman.
- Mean comments on blogs. I’m all for discussion and expressing differences of opinion, but people can be nasty. Especially that Anonymous. Anonymous can be a real bitch sometimes.
- Gas prices. I’m bitter.
- Russell Brand. I’m sorry, I just think he’s icky and annoying.
- The crazy amount of things on our Spring Break to-do list, including cleaning out our garage. We are planning some fun things too like a day trip to Kemah and starting G on rice cereal tomorrow!
- I’m really nervous about Grayson starting cereal tomorrow. I know in a few days it will be no big deal, but I really have butterflies about it!
i actually love that show sister wives because it is just TOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIZARE!! lol. good luck with the cereal!! 🙂
I gotta stick up for your pediatrician's scheduler. Having worked as one, I'll let you in on a little secret: the software programs for managing medical schedules… suck. Things are often divided all obscurely, and you are often only able to view one day at a time. All of this is made infinitely more complicated if there is more than one doctor or practitioner at the practice. Believe me, it can be equally as frustrating for the scheduler as it is for the patient.Also, I confess… I kind of like Russell Brand. But, I'm kind of icky and annoying, too.Hope you and G-man are doing well!