Posts by Elizabeth Baker
9 Months!
Dear Grayson, My sweet baby boy, you are 9 months old. 274 days (and nights!) I’ve had to learn all about you, and to memorize your sweet face. And yet, you change every day. Every day, you are looking less and less like a newborn baby and more and more like a little boy. But…
Read More100th Post! And a Giveaway!
I started this blog last August, about a month before Grayson was born. I was hesitant to start a blog because I figured I would never stick with it and write regularly and no one would want to read it anyway. Well, I was wrong, about the first reason anyway. Turns out I did stick to…
Read MoreContentment
Tension. There’s been a lot of it in our house lately. And the tension has been over…stuff. Material stuff. Stuff we can’t take with us when we die. Stupid. We have a house. We have two paid-off, reliable cars. We have clothes. Mostly outdated and unfashionable clothes, but clothes nonetheless. Our son has more toys…
Read MoreSilly Little Fish
I just had to post these pictures of Grayson because they made me giggle. His vision teacher suggested the other day that we start working with him on associating objects and positions with things he likes. G has become quite the little high maintenace man lately- he just wants to be held ALL the time,…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday: One Man Band
Just a little video to show the amazing progress my little dude is making! A few weeks ago he couldn’t have grabbed this spoon, and now he’s making music!
Read More3 Years!
Today is Ryan’s and my 3 year anniversary! Here are some pictures from our wedding on June 14, 2008- it was a perfect day! I love that it took 5 girls to get my dress on! My girls- I am blessed to still be so close with all of them Walking down the aisle with my dad-…
Read MoreThoughts for Today
Ryan and I volunteered in the church nursery this morning. Ryan kind of grumbled about it, but I think he enjoyed it once he got there and got to play with some of the babies. Grayson doesn’t really “play” yet and I know Ryan’s looking forward to the day when he can push buttons on…
Read MoreSaturday Giggles
Grayson loves Aunt Rebecca! Daddy and Grayson being silly!
Read MoreDifferent Worlds
Yesterday I had some friends from high school and their babies over for a playdate (I love reconnecting with old friends). My sister is in town and snapped some really cute pictures of the babies- check them out on her blog here. I love in her post that she said, “My sister and I definitely…
Read MoreYet Another Post about Baby Food and Poop (Sorry)
I know you are thinking, “Don’t you have anything more exciting going on to write about?” Nope. I don’t. Just keepin’ it real. So you’ve been warned. Keep reading if you want, but I’m not offering any refunds on the next 2 minutes of your life. So Grayson is eating much better these days. Hallelujah. I’ve…
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