100th Post! And a Giveaway!
I started this blog last August, about a month before Grayson was born. I was hesitant to start a blog because I figured I would never stick with it and write regularly and no one would want to read it anyway. Well, I was wrong, about the first reason anyway. Turns out I did stick to it- and no one is more suprised by this than me!
I love blogging- and I do realize my blog is all over the place. Sometimes it’s a “let me show you how cute my baby is” photo album, sometimes it’s my lame attempt at being funny, and sometimes it’s me just being honest about my life- it’s a good life, but there are struggles. And as I continue to share my life in this little corner of the internet, I just want to keep being real.
So, to celebrate that I’ve actually written 100 posts in less than a year (seriously, I’m amazed), and to
make myself feel like a super-cool big-time blogger, I’m doing a giveaway!
Some of you know that I paint whimsical children’s artwork. I definitely do not consider myself an artist, but I like to be creative, and sometimes some of my stuff doesn’t turn out half bad. I’ve actually made a good amount of money on my stuff over the years, and am toying with the idea of revamping my “business” sometime soon.
I’m giving away one of my signs to 2 lucky readers. If you win, I can do whatever you want- a theme, match bedding, a footprint picture (if you are in the Houston area or if you want to mail me a canvas with your kid’s footprint), whatever! (See below for some examples). The sign will be 11X14 canvas with a ribbon hanger and pom pom trim. I can also add glitter glaze and even rhinestones (if you’re really nice to me).
To enter- leave a comment on this blog or on Facebook. I’ll number the comments and then use a fancy Random Number Generator on the internet to pick 2 winners. I’ll announce the winners on Friday. Sound good?
I’m excited- thanks for reading my blog!
Here’s a few examples so you can get an idea of the style of my stuff…
Love reading your blog- and LOVE LOVE your artwork! Keep writing and painting!
Congrats on reaching 100! I'm so glad you've stuck with it, because I love reading your posts!And you KNOW I want a piece of this giveaway! 🙂
I want one of your amazing paintings!!! love your blog!
By the way, I don't know how to post with my name on here (ha ha)…so this is Courtney not anonymous!!
Congrats on 100 posts! I stumbled across your blog from facebook and love reading what you have to say! you are such a great mommy!! I've always loved your signs, too…(back from the SBS days)
Pick me pick me!! I love your stuff!! Cassie
Wow, I had no idea you did stuff like that! So cool! I'm super impressed. I would definitely like to enter. Yes please!Congrats on a year and over 100 posts. That is awesome. I'm so glad you started your blog so we could become "friends" and I could get to know your adorable, amazing little boy. Here's to 100 more posts!
omg your signs are awesome! you are soooo talented! congrats on 100 posts! i've loved following your journey!
I love reading your blog and I love your art! I still have the sign and bulletin board you made me 7 years ago! Love to you and the G man!
Whoo hoo, 100 posts! I of course had to go check how many I had done over the course of blogging, never occurred to me to look before! I have enjoyed each one, keep em coming!So fun to the giveaway, as a proud owner some Elizabeth art originals…I can vouch for their fabulousness…the ones with tiny feet and tushies are keepsakes for life!!
Well, I don't actually know you. I went to church with Ryan's family in Houston and started following your blog after he posted a link on FB. I've loved your comments about Formula feeding (been there, done that) and I know the challenges of being a stay at home mom when your husband's a teacher. 🙂 I love your artwork! I'm so impressed and would love to have some in my home! I also have a blog — mattandrachelwilson.blogspot.com
You are definitely a girl with many talents! You are such a great writer AND a great artist! So glad I happened upon your blog!
My comment didn't post – booo!Anywho – you are super talented and super awesome. So glad we are friend:-)
Oooohh, pick me! Pick me!! Love your stuff!!!