Life just got a lot busier. Last week, I started two new jobs and Whole30. I was quite overwhelmed (and hungry) but this week, I’ve organized my schedule and to-dos, and I’m feeling optimistic and happy about my new routine and responsibilities. Job #1: I’ve taken over as the Managing Editor of Houston Moms Blog.…

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    Dear Nolan, Sweet summertime is here! And you, my sweet little boy, are soaking it up. As in, you are soaking wet more often than not these days. Your favorite activity right now is playing with the hose in the backyard. You stand at the back door and say, “Outside! Wet!” begging to…

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A few months ago, I was out with Grayson and engaged in a conversation with some women about a baby in one of their families who was being evaluated for a medical condition. The end result is although treatment is needed, the baby is going to be fine and should lead a normal, healthy life.…

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Most people who know me well know I love Hamilton, and one of the themes I love most about the musical is Alexander Hamilton’s use of the written word to inspire revolution, change, and to build his own legacy. I’m no Alexander Hamilton, but this week has taught me that my writing can make a…

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  Dear Nolan, The main thing I have to say about you being 20 months is you are cute. You’re wild and naughty, but you’re cute while you’re giving me more and more grey hairs every day. I will say, though, there is definitely more purpose in your naughtiness these days. Instead of pulling things…

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The picture on the left is a 3D ultrasound image of Grayson at 30 weeks gestation. The one on the right is him now, at 6 years old. If you are a pro-life Republican who is vocal about passing legislation that would protect the sanctity of life of the baby on the left, but are…

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I haven’t blogged in a long time. My writing last fall has had significant consequences with my real-life relationships, and I’ve needed time to process that reality as well as reflect on the impact of putting all my thoughts out there in the world. I’ve been reading a lot, listening a lot, and learning a…

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Dear Nolan, You are now more than halfway through your second year! You’re 19 months old, but you think you’re 12, the way you try to do so many “big kid” things. You so badly want to ride a bike, climb to the top of the playground structure without me hovering over you, and do…

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Dear Nolan, Happy 18 months, just a few days late! We’ve had a rough few weeks of sickness in our house and I’m a little behind on real life stuff right now. You, Charlotte and I all had flu-like symptoms for a few days, and you were diagnosed with your very first ear infection.Your doctor…

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Dear Nolan, Wow, January really flew by! The first snuck up on me today, and I didn’t realize until late afternoon that you turned 17 months old today. We did some quick photos on the couch; thankfully you were in a great mood and giggled as I tried to make you sit still for more than…

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