Letters to Nolan: 10 Months

Dear Nolan,
This letter is a few days late; you actually turned 10 months old on Friday, but I was in Michigan for your great-grandfather’s funeral, while you and your sibs hung out with Daddy at home. You never got to meet your Papap, but he would have been delighted by you. Nolan, we are all delighted by you. These days you are, well, delightful. 
You are a crawling maniac right now, and love to climb stairs, wrestle with Charlotte, and pull up on anything you can. You are cruising just a little bit right now, and I’m sure in days you’ll be doing it all the time. 
You love to watch people. You study anyone who is in your line of sight and nothing gets past you. 
It’s fun to watch you with your Daddy- he’s been getting up with you early in the mornings and from the bedroom, I can hear you both laughing and playing. It’s very sweet. I think your favorite person is still your sister though- no one can make you laugh like she can. 

 Nolan, at 10 months you:

– Weigh 19 pounds, 1 ounce
-Wear size 9 and 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers 
– Still aren’t sleeping through the night but go back to sleep when you get a bottle. Won’t sleep past 5:30 am though. 
– Nap well in the mornings but terribly in the afternoons 
– Love food: eggs, avocado, chicken, sweet potato, strawberries, blueberries, and apples. 
– Still drink 6 ounce bottles throughout the day (and night)
-Look just like Grayson did at your age. I can’t stop looking at pictures of him and comparing you sweet brothers. 
– Have zero teeth (Charlotte got her first tooth at 10 months, so maybe one is coming?)

Nolan, you just make me smile. I love watching your personality develop and you learning new skills. I love you so, so much!



  1. Down On The Farm on July 6, 2016 at 1:34 pm

    Precious little boy. I'm still praying for Grayson. Blessings from Missouri!

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