#NaBloPoMo Day 23: Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that your day has been full of blessings and good food. We have had a good day, except for the fact that I pulled something in my back this morning while eating toast (yes, really) and have been in terrible pain all day. But the turkey was good, the kids were…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 22: Making Monsters and Memories
I’m not much into the show and tell mommy-blogging anymore, but we had a really fun afternoon with our best neighbor friends, so I wanted to do a post to preserve the memory. The kids have been out of school all week, which makes for a lot of hours to fill during the day. My…
Read MorePurity and Politics
Following the news the past few weeks, as it has been for the past year and a half, has been a shocking, sad, and emotional experience. I’ve been especially disappointed by Christian leaders who again and again have traded decency and justice for political gain. It first became clear last October, when the Access Hollywood…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 20: Toys
We have too many toys. It’s really unbelievable how many we have accumulated in just over 7 years of having children in the house. And it seems no matter how many I purge, the amount of toys never seem to be at a manageable level. Last week, I bagged up probably 80% of the toys…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 19: Freewriting
I have tried to write a blog post all day today. In fact, I have 3 posts saved in Drafts that I just can’t finish- I’m uninspired and they weren’t going anywhere. If I’m going to do this for the next 11 days I’m going to need some new ideas! So I’m trying some free…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 18: Self Care Rituals
Over the past few weeks, in order to get a handle on my anxiety that was spiraling out of control, I’ve been reading a lot of articles and listening to podcasts on self care. I’m realizing that rituals do a lot for me and help center me and calm me down. These rituals take a…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 17: Seven Things I Don't Understand Today
The choice to put this sticker on your car, especially in light of recent current events. You love your guns, I get it. But, really?! Ugh. I don’t understand. 2. This ad that I see every single time I open Facebook. I crowdsourced a group I’m in because I really had no idea what these…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 16: Current Thoughts on Being a SAHM
A few months ago, I went back to work part time. I work while the kids are in preschool Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and on Sunday afternoons. It’s been a really good transition for me, and actually really easy emotionally since the kids would be in school anyway. I love being away from the grind…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 15: Wordless Wednesday: Sick Days
Poor little buddy has had a fever and just felt puny the past two days. It’s been rough, but sick toddlers do give the best cuddles…
Read More#NaBloPoMo Day 14: First Food in 6 Years
Today was a big milestone for Grayson: he had his first bite of food in 6 years! G stopped eating in the fall of 2011, when he had an NG tube for 7 weeks. As much as we tried, after a year of fighting to drink milk and eat food, only to throw up almost…
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