Posts by Elizabeth Baker
One Year Later
Yesterday, April 20, marked one year since Grayson was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease. I remember in the weeks leading up to the appointment, his first with our Mito specialist, I had such conflicting emotions. Of course I didn’t want my baby to have it, but I also needed so badly to have something to call the group of…
Read MoreLetters To Charlotte: 3 Months
Dear Charlotte, You are 3 months old today, and of course I’m going to say it- I can’t believe 1/4 of your first year has already passed! You are pure joy- you smile with your whole body and you are not stingy with your smiles; you will give them to anyone willing to talk to you.…
Read MoreUnsettled
In the past week, several people I am close to have been closely, personally affected by tragedy. A mentally ill college student stabbed students when he should have been in a class my friend was teaching and a wreck involving a car and a school bus took the life of a woman right in front of the high school my husband…
Read MoreA Sad Reality
Last year, Grayson qualified for a program for medically complex children. One of the main benefits is it gives him Medicaid coverage, which is one of the biggest blessings to our family. Medicaid covers most of his doctor copays, ER and hospital visits, therapy, and medications. Having a special needs kid is outrageously expensive, and…
Read MoreWeekend Recap
I’m kind of in a blogging rut right now- I know no one wants to read too much about my exciting life of changing diapers, breastfeeding, and how my 2 month old is, by definition, sleeping through the night (7-8 hour stretches, woo hoo!). And really, besides the ever-present drama and unpredictability that is Grayson,…
Read MoreEtsy Shop Review: Giggles To Go
For me, one of the really fun things about having little ones is dressing them. I hate shopping for myself, but could spend all day at the mall picking out outfits for G and C. I especially love personalized clothing, and now that I have two kiddos, personalized coordinating outfits are the ultimate in cuteness.…
Read MoreEaster 2013: Not How We Had Planned It
This was what Easter was supposed to look like Sweet little boy and girl in their smocked Sunday best But, like most things in our life, it didn’t turn out the way we’d planned We spent all day Sunday and Monday in the hospital having Grayson’s broken feeding tube replaced Taking care of two…
Read MoreGood Things
So it turns out having an infant and a toddler takes up quite a bit of time and is somewhat exhausting (shocker!) and when faced with the option of blogging or going to sleep at 9:00 pm, I choose sleep. Ryan has off work this morning, so he took Grayson to school (bless him) so I’m…
Read MoreTwo and A Half
Dear Grayson, Happy Half Birthday my sweet baby boy, who obviously has not a trace of baby left in you. How did that happen? Well, you may not be a baby anymore, but you sure are a handsome little boy. You are sweet, silly, and love to laugh. Your favorites are going to school, riding…
Read MoreLetters to Charlotte: 2 Months
Dear Charlotte, Happy 2 Month birthday, my sweetness! Although I am a little sad your newborn days are behind us, I am loving every minute this stage you are in. In the last few weeks, you have “woken up” and are an alert, happy, smiley little girl. You started smiling a lot right at about…
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