Letters to Charlotte: 2 Months
Dear Charlotte,
Happy 2 Month birthday, my sweetness! Although I am a little sad your newborn days are behind us, I am loving every minute this stage you are in. In the last few weeks, you have “woken up” and are an alert, happy, smiley little girl.
You started smiling a lot right at about 6 weeks, but still are a little shy to do it for the camera too much. You have also started “talking” a little bit- I think eventually you are going to have a lot to say!
Your 2 month stats:
Weight: 9 pounds, 7 ounces on my baby scale. You will get your “official” weight (and height, I have no idea) at your checkup tomorrow. You are a petite little thing, but can you see the rolls on your legs and your chunky belly? I LOVE it!
Sleeping: Everyone asks how you are sleeping, and for today, I can say GREAT! The last two nights you have nursed, then slept 7.5 hours! You are still in the pack and play beside our bed, but now that Aunt Rebecca has left from her Spring Break visit, we are going to move you into your own room (at Grammie’s house). Hopefully your daddy and I will find a house soon and you can have your very own pink nursery and get to sleep in an actual crib. You still nap mostly in the swing, your carseat, or my arms.
Eating: Still going fantastically. You love to nurse, and I know Dr. D is going to fuss at me tomorrow because I am still letting you eat whenever you want, which during the day is every 2-3 hours. I am also pumping milk, and you will take a bottle enthusiastically- hooray!
Milestones: Smiling (my favorite) and yesterday, you rolled over a few times from you belly to your back! You are also tracking and following with your eyes really well. This is amazing to see, because this was one of the first missed milestones for your brother and our clue that something wasn’t right with him. Speaking of that, Grayson’s doctor checked you out a few weeks ago, and thinks you are perfectly healthy! We are so, so thankful for your health and the fact that you are doing everything on time.
Brother: You and Grayson co-exist, but both still don’t indicate you have a clue that the other exists. Oh well, I’m sure that will change soon enough!
I know you have only been here 2 months Charlotte, but I really can’t imagine or really remember life without you. You fit so perfectly into our crazy little family, and I still marvel at what a precious, unexpected gift you are. You are my joy, my heart healer, and I couldn’t love you more.
Awww, so precious! I'm so thrilled that she is thriving! 🙂
Holy cuteness! I can barely handle that sweet face and her pink polka dot bow. She is just so precious!!! I'm sorry, she is two months old already? what? Ack! Slow that girl down! :o) Kidding of course. I am so happy she is doing so wonderful and has helped you heal, truly a miracle. Love her!
Adorable!! 🙂
Ugh… 2 months already. Slow down, Charlotte!She's a beautiful girl!
What a beautiful letter to a beautiful girl! So thankful for her health, and that she has been your heart healer! 🙂
So is SO beautiful!! I can't believe she is 2 months old already. It's sort of amusing to me how different peds docs are. Stella was easily eating every 2.5 hrs at that age, and my doc said that was super normal. It wasn't until around 6 months when we started solids that she reduced nursing to every 4 hrs. Just go with your gut on this – lots of ppl feed on demand (which in our experience was every 2-3 hrs usually). She is growing up so quickly!
Happy two months to your Charlotte! =) I can’t blame you for being so in love with her! She is just so cute and adorable! It’s good that you take time to bring her to the pedia so her progress can be regularly monitored. Take care and keep us posted. 🙂 Malachi Cates