Weekend Recap
I’m kind of in a blogging rut right now- I know no one wants to read too much about my exciting life of changing diapers, breastfeeding, and how my 2 month old is, by definition, sleeping through the night (7-8 hour stretches, woo hoo!). And really, besides the ever-present drama and unpredictability that is Grayson, that really is all that is going on right now. Please, if you have any suggestions on posts I can write that are even remotely more interesting than you are about to read, let me know.
I did take both kiddos to Grayson’s pulmonologist appointment Friday, and as we were leaving sent a friend a text to please send liquor. Oy. At least this time I had the good sense to bring a bottle with me so I didn’t have to nurse Charlotte. And I discovered I have a the superpower of multitasking holding a squirmy, whining toddler who doesn’t have much body control with one arm, feeding a screaming infant a bottle with the other, and having a semi-intelligent conversation with the doctor about the toddler’s respiratory system. Anyway, the end result of the appointment was G’s lungs sound great (knock on wood, for having such an awful disease, the kid rarely gets “sick”), but she wants another sleep study with oxygen to see if the oxygen would affect his seizure threshold. Grayson did have 2 seizures this week, and has just been off- really tired, and just not himself. I just feel like something is going on with him.
Saturday the four of us plus Grayson’s new nurse went to a kite and dog (yes, random combination) festival with my brother, SIL, and their dog. We drove out and picked up Hank to go with us. He’s been boarded because we are staying with my parents until we move. I hadn’t seen my big guy in 11 weeks (since the day before C was born) and it was good to hug that big, slobbery doofus. We all had a good time watching Frisbee dog demonstrations and giant kites fly, but once again made me so sad that Grayson could only enjoy being outside with his people, but not the actual entertainment. In our day to day life, I often forget how little he can see, but big, colorful kites in the sky with no reaction from him, reminded me.
Today we went to church, and we all dressed in our Easter clothes- Take 2, since we weren’t able to go last week. The church generously ordered Grayson a special needs bumbo chair like we have at home, and it was waiting for him in the nursery. It still stings a little that he has to be in the baby nursery and not the two year old class, but now with that chair, I know he will be a lot more comfortable. After church we went to R’s mom and grandmother’s house for lunch, and we attempted to pose for a family picture. The picture above is the first picture we have taken of the four of us (yes, C is 11 weeks old- sad) and people, this is the best of about 10 shots (also sad- ha!). After lunch, we came home and it was that in between time- too late for Grayson to take a nap but still hours away from bedtime. I took him out for a “drive” in his car around the neighborhood- he loved it. But with no nap, by 5:30 he was done and was practically begging for his bed.
It really was a lovely weekend, and I’m grateful we were able to spend so much time together as a family (and even with Hankman!).
Just a random ad-on to this post- I am trying to eliminate so much stuff from our life, and not keep every piece of paper Grayson brings home from school. So this masterpiece did go in the trash tonight, but it has made me giggle for several days now. And now it will live forever on the blog 🙂
No…I don't want to hear about your 2 month old sleeping thru the night…my 13 month old does NOT! But seriously, don't feel guilty about keeping Grayson's pics, although posting it on the blog is a good idea to save them forever!! Glad everyone seems to be doing well!
I like reading about your everyday life! And good idea about posting a pic of G's artwork…we are busting at the seams with artwork from school and I haven't brought myself to throw anything away yet! Also-I'm there with you about how stinging reality can be in certain situations…you kinda forget about it until a reminder happens, and it can hurt to our core. Praying for gentleness in your life 🙂 Glad to continue to "get to know" you
Yeah, I like every day life. There are blogs that are "so funny" or whatever, but you have to wonder what that person is "really" like… because that's not real life. I'd much rather get to know you as a person. Sounds like a lovely weekend and the family picture is great! I'm impressed that your church bought that bumbo, I think that's just wonderful!
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I love hearing about your life! And what a fabulous masterpiece!!! Don't feel bad about throwing it away. Although a friend of mine had a great idea: take a pic of all the craft projects and make it into a small photo book.
I think it's a great family picture! You all look great in your Easter best! Glad it was a nice weekend together. Love the art, I save stuff in a drawer thru the year and then file at the end, then I have the ability to see the "best" and toss the rest. The chick nose is cracking me up!!!!