Posts by Elizabeth Baker
Friday Afternoon Funny
This is Grayson’s favorite toy- a silver rattle. He is working SO hard to learn to pick it up on his own. When it’s in his hand, he holds on tight and attempts to put the entire rattle in his mouth. Playing with his rattle is serious business. I was snapping away at the camera, and…
Read MoreNeurology Appointment
This morning, Grayson had his appointment with the pediatric neurologist. The doctor was quirky, funny and smart, and I liked him. He examined Grayson head to toe, which is what I have wanted for a doctor to do since the beginning. When I mentioned that Texas Children’s endocrinology wouldn’t see him because of his ‘normal’…
Read MorePippi
This is Pippi, my first dog. I bought Pippi when she was 7 weeks old, just a tiny white ball of fluff. Pippi was a ball of energy; she was my workout partner, my baby, my friend, and a lot of times, my comforter. Today is Pippi’s birthday. She would have been 6 years old. We…
Read MoreUgh!
Last night, I started feeling run down, tired and a little achy. I really thought it was the result of my (probably a little dramatic, but totally justified) annoyance with the electricians who were supposed to come in the afternoon but came at 6:15 pm. 6:15 pm is NOT the afternoon, people! 6:15 is also Grayson’s…
Read MoreWordy Wednesday
I know it’s supposed to be Wordless Wednesday, but I have a lot to say today! In reference to yesterday’s post, I found it annoying interesting that this was the topic of my weekly email that popped up in my inbox this morning: Weird, huh? Although about 15 hours too late, BabyCenter! (Yes, I…
Read MoreRookie Mistake
If I’m going to brag about my baby, besides talking about how unbelievably cute he is, I brag about how awesome he is about bedtime. We have our routine- bath between 5:30 and 6:00, then if he’s home, Daddy makes a bottle and brings it in as we put on jammies. Then Grayson drinks his…
Read MoreGrayson's Dedication
Yesterday was Grayson’s dedication at church. Our church doesn’t baptize infants- Grayson will be baptized when he’s ready and able to make that decision for himself. We invited our in-town family; unfortunately, my mom (Grammie) couldn’t come because she’s at Disney World with her orchestra from school. My dad, Ryan’s mom and grandmother, and Ryan’s…
Read MoreThursday Snippets
I’ve made three appointments for Grayson- one pediatric opthamologist, one pediatric neuro-opthamologist, and one pediatric neurologist. None of them can see him until May, although I talked to the nurse at my pediatrician’s office this morning, and she working on getting him in sooner with the neurologist. We tried sweet potatoes today. This was the…
Read MoreMedical Update
Thank you everyone who read and/or commented on yesterday’s post. I am so blessed to have such wonderful, supportive friends and family. I love you all. We just got back from Grayson’s 6th month appointment. Here are the stats: Weight: 13 pounds, 7 ounces (0.87%)Height: 25.75 inches (20.91 %) WOW! Head Circumference: 15.98 inches (0.74%)…
Read MoreWhy I Need to Invest in Waterproof Mascara
I hate crying in front of other people- I get so embarrassed, which makes it harder to stop crying. For some reason, if I’m going to have a meltdown, it’s always at church. I should know by now to carry tissues in my purse, as I’ve been losing it at church for years. So I…
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