Posts by Elizabeth Baker
So What Wednesday
So what if I am doing a So What Wednesday because I don’t have anything else to write about today? So what if hearing about other people’s MAJOR DRAMA makes me a little more thankful for my relatively drama-free life? So what if the last two nights of being dog-free (I gave myself and our…
Read MoreFeeding Frustrations
This morning, I read this post from Fearless Formula Feeder and it made me cry. I thought I was past anything to do with my breastfeeding experience making me cry. Apparently not. If you don’t want to read the post (but you should, because it’s a great post), basically it’s a commentary on this 2003…
Read MoreProgress Report
Grayson usually wakes up between 3:30 and 4:00 AM to eat and then goes back down for another hour or two before getting up for the day. So last night before Ryan and I went to bed, I mentioned we didn’t need to set the alarm for the Royal Wedding because we had the perfect…
Read MoreCan I Clock Out Every Once in Awhile?
I love being a stay at home mom and I know I have it good. For the most part, I let G’s whimper in the monitor be my alarm clock in the morning and I am so grateful that we can snuggle, play, and take our time getting the day started instead of rushing to…
Read MoreI Heart Nice People
I just wanted to share some acts of kindness I have received over the past few days. What a blessing! Denise, the owner of WT (and my friend), went with me to Texas Children’s TWICE in the last week for morale support. Grayson had to have a lot of blood drawn for genetic testing that…
Read MoreOur Easter in Pictures
We had a wonderful Easter weekend! A few weeks ago, I made an Easter plate- the chick is Grayson’s foot and the cheeks of the bunny are his teeny tiny tushy-cheeks! Saturday, we were invited by a couple at church to a fabulous “Eggstravaganza” at their home. The had a big egg hunt for the…
Read More7 Months!
Mr. Beautiful Blue Eyes I’m a little sad writing this post, because to me, seven months sounds so much older than 6 months. I rocked G an extra few minutes last night before putting him to bed as a 6 month old for the last time. Important stuff in Grayson’s world: Food: Solids…
Read MoreMy New Normal
I think back to a year ago- I was pregnant, had just found out that Baby Baker was a boy, and was anxious and excited for the school year to be over. I am trying to remember what I thought my life was going to look like with Grayson- certainly I had no idea the…
Read MoreDear Izzy,
Four years ago today you entered this world, just a tiny girl who fit in the palm of your daddy’s hand. You were literally the “pick of the litter” with your honey colored coat, white spots on your nose and paws, and sparkling blue eyes. You were the cutest little puppy, and we bought right…
Read MoreReally Bad Hair Day
This morning was Grayson’s EEG at his neurologist’s office. I had several sweet offers from people willing to go with us for support, but I decided since the test wasn’t invasive or anything where G would get stuck with needles, we could go by ourselves. What the heck is this all about!? Grayson was tired…
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