Dear Izzy,
April 19, 2011
Four years ago today you entered this world, just a tiny girl who fit in the palm of your daddy’s hand.
You were literally the “pick of the litter” with your honey colored coat, white spots on your nose and paws, and sparkling blue eyes.
You were the cutest little puppy, and we bought right into your antics, because who could stay mad at this face?
For four years, you have driven us to the brink of insanity challenged us, and most days we want to sell you to the circus (but as your daddy says, they don’t want you), but at the same time, we couldn’t imagine life without you.
Oh, Izzy, my little baby bad girl, I love you. You are four now, which my sources tell me is when dogs are supposed to start behaving. But I’m not holding my breath.
Happy Birthday Boo Boo.