Posts by Elizabeth Baker
A Few Little Things
Happy Monday! I am writing this blog post then I am getting in bed and checking out the first night of the new TV season. I have had a sore throat for 10 days and FINALLY got an antibiotic today. I just can’t take this stabbing pain in my throat any longer- and I’d like…
Read MoreConfessional
I just made a little girl cry. A sweet, blonde-headed, pigtailed girl trying to sell Christmas wrapping paper and candles to her evil, mean tired neighbor. The kids have been ringing my doorbell all afternoon. 4 neurotic dogs, a cranky baby, tired momma, and school fundraiser doorbell rings at 5 pm just don’t mix. So after…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday: Jammies
Is there anything cuter than a baby in pajamas? I don’t think so. Waiting patiently for breakfast Good morning world! Bright lights, bright lights! Bedtime story, please Which jammies should I wear tonight?
Read MoreHearing Test
This afternoon, we had Grayson’s hearing checked. The good news: it was 100% covered by insurance. The bad news: it was right smack in the middle of naptime and G was not happy about that. The doctor did two tests, both testing his response to sound (obviously). I didn’t think to tell her at first…
Read MoreOh.Come.ON!
So after the craziness of the last two days, I prayed last night that today would be uneventful, fun, and illness free. Grayson slept 13 hours straight and woke up babbling to himself in the crib and greeted me with his precious grin. And the best part- his eyes were clear! Thinking we were over…
Read MoreOur Tuesday and Wednesday
Yes, I know that’s a really boring, stupid title. But my brain is way too tired to be creative tonight. It has been a crazy 2 days to say the least. I’m almost too tired to even write any of this, but writing is how I deal with things and I know I will feel…
Read MoreSo What Wednesday
So what if I lost count of how many diet cokes I drank today. So what if I really had to stop and think if it was really Wednesday before I wrote this post. So what if I really like the color burnt orange…and I’m an Aggie. (Waiting for lightening to strike me dead….) So…
Read MoreI DO Like That!
So yesterday, I talked about things I don’t like. So to balance it out, here are some things (about today) that I DO like! Today is my One Year Blogoversary! It is also one of my favorite blogger’s Two Year Blogoversary. I didn’t know that we shared the date until today. Very cool! My dear friend…
Read MoreI Don't Like That!
Thanks to Erin for the blog post idea today! Things that make me go grrr, make me roll my eyes, make my eye twitch, etc. Wasting a day. My friend and I took G Man to the hospital today to get his blood taken. 2 hours, many phone calls to the neurologist, and a very…
Read MoreInformation Overload!
Grayson had an appointment with his neurologist this morning- I didn’t have anything specific to talk to him about except vaccinations (which I will talk about in a minute). I most certainly wasn’t expecting the amount of information and new concerns I walked away with. As I’ve said before, I really like this doctor. Dr.…
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