I Don't Like That!
August 30, 2011
Thanks to Erin for the blog post idea today!
Things that make me go grrr, make me roll my eyes, make my eye twitch, etc.
- Wasting a day. My friend and I took G Man to the hospital today to get his blood taken. 2 hours, many phone calls to the neurologist, and a very tired little boy later, the order was still not clarified by the lab and they didn’t take any blood (which I appreciated since they need a LOT of blood and I want it to be right). So I paid for daycare, only worked 3 hours, wasted 2 hours and gas going to the hospital, all for NOTHING. Grrr. I don’t like that.
- G’s neurologist office staff. See above? This is all their fault. I don’t like that.
- The dogs. This is the classic, “I love them but I don’t really like them” thing. I am just SO TIRED of cleaning up pee off the bathroom floor, keeping them quiet when G is asleep, trying to do something in the kitchen without 16 legs getting in the way, etc…But, they are family. And I love them. But I don’t like that.
- Voicemail. A very weird thing about me- I get a lot of anxiety when I see I have a voicemail. I would much rather get a text or email. Especially annoying- really looong voicemails with a lot of information where I have to call the person back anyway. Just tell me all that when I call you back! I don’t like that.
- Live music. I know this makes me sound old and frumpy (and my brothers are going to be appalled), but I can’t stand music where I can’t control the volume. And why would I want to listen to music with people who I can’t have a conversation with because the music is so loud? Boring. Maybe I should change this to Loud Live Music- I don’t like that.
- Summer 2011 weather. This is Grayson’s first summer and really his only knowlege of the Great Outdoors is the distance from wherever we are to the car. I don’t like that.
- Our electric and water bills for this month. They haven’t arrived yet, but I can only imagine. I don’t like that.
- People telling me that Grayson is going to catch up and be “just fine” and/or pretending there’s nothing wrong with him. OF COURSE I hope, pray, would do anything for him to catch up and be “just fine” but what if he doesn’t? I’m not going to love him any less and he won’t be any less of a precious joy. The fact is I know people say these things because they don’t know what else to say or don’t really want to accept what’s going on. Well, I am dealing with this every.single.minute.of.the.day. and I’m telling you 1. He is making progress and we celebrate every milestone he meets, but 2. He has a lot of issues that are real and I HAVE to be realistic about where he is. I don’t like that.
- Football Season. aka I’m A Single Mom Season. I don’t like that.
Enough venting for one day. Ahhh, I feel better!
Elizabeth, I love your honesty and how open you are with everyone. You are doing a GREAT job at being Grayson's mom. He is so lucky to have you.Love you,BJ Maddox
What a fun little post idea, glad you felt better at that end. Sorry about it all, the wasted time and annoyances at the Dr. especially, how irritating! I agree to voicemail, but I hate when people just say, call me, I would rather have some idea as to why you called so I am not blindsided when I call back. :o)Sorry about the Grayson comments, it has to get hard to keep listening to it…I second your thoughts, we celebrate each milestone and continue on this journey with you…to where ever it may take us all.
This post made me laugh because as I was leaving a parent orientation this evening, I was thinking….I have a good blog post going in my mind: things that really annoy me. ha!
OK, I can focus a bit more now…..a few days ago I started thinking about how much it drives me crazy when apostrophes are used incorrectly. It really makes my skin crawl. Tonight at the meeting, there were handouts with several mistakes. I know I'm not always grammatically correct when I quickly make comments or even write my blog, but if I'm going to print something and handed it out to the masses, you better believe I'm going to edit it with a fine-tooth comb! Also, people who ask dumb questions. aaahhhhh!!!! So there ya go – things I don't like.