Posts by Elizabeth Baker
Deja Puke
We’ve had a rough few days around here. Last Thursday, Ryan got strep. Grayson and I avoided him as much as possible, but knew the chances of us not getting sick were pretty slim. Friday, I took Grayson to the doctor because he had the beginnings of a cold and cough, and I wanted to…
Read MoreSanta
Grayson received this letter on Christmas morning. He sure is blessed to have such a wonderful, loving grandfather Santa. (You can read last year’s letter here.) Dear Grayson, Well, here I am again. Remember last year when I told you I added you to my list? Once on my list, always on my list. You can…
Read More15 Months
Dear Grayson, Happy 15 months little man! Once again, it’s been quite a whirlwind month. Besides your surgery and new-and-improved G-tube, the biggest happening this month is you are GROWING! You got a ton of 12 month clothes for your birthday that looked enormous at the time, but now they are all getting snug and…
Read MoreI'm Legal Again!
Today, I finally got my driver’s licence renewed, two months after it expired. To celebrate, I had this for dinner… How cute is that mini bottle of champagne? Ryan bought a four-pack for me a few weeks ago, and surviving the DPS seemed good enough reason as any to make a little 6 pm mimosa. And…
Read MoreA Few of My Favorite Things
‘Tis the Season. We’ve had quite a bit going on lately, and especially this year, I am really trying to focus on making Christmas about family, friends, giving to others, and celebrating the birth of Jesus. I am avoiding the mall at all costs, and am really hoping that presents and “stuff” remain at the…
Read MoreRecovering
I’m sure most of you already know, but Grayson’s surgery went perfectly and we are at home recovering. Yes, both of us- I am so, so tired. Monday afternoon/evening were rough- he was really sore and irritable coming out of anesthesia. He had two doses of Morphine for pain which (thankfully, I’ll admit) knocked him out…
Read MoreMommy Prayer
Dear God, So many thoughts, fears, and praises are swimming in my head right now. Almost two years ago, you made me a Mommy. I was a mommy the minute I was aware there was a life growing inside me. That little life is yours and will always be yours, but you have trusted me and his…
Read MoreBreakfast With Santa
This morning, Grayson was one lucky little elf who got to have breakfast with Santa, his cousins Quincey and Cooper, Aunt Brittany, Dear, and Mommy and Daddy. Daddy wasn’t too thrilled with Grayson’s outfit, but I LOVE it. He’ll only be a baby once, and can wear polo shirts the rest of his life right?…
Read MoreFriday Night Ramblings
I’m tired. So, so tired. In the thick of each day, I look at this mess, that project, that other mess and think Tonight. When Grayson goes to bed then I’ll get this stuff done. Ha. As soon as that sweet little baby head hits the mattress and that thumb is securely in his mouth I.…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday: Brothers
(Excuse me while I mop up this puddle that is my melted heart) Photos by Sarah Thede
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