Posts by Elizabeth Baker
18 Months!
Dear Grayson, Happy Half Birthday to my little BIG guy. Seriously, how are you so big? You’re heavy (21 pounds!), tall (31 inches!) and the size on the tags of your clothes match your age exactly- wow! God gave you a little half-birthday gift today- absolutely gorgeous, spring weather. We absolutely must take a trip…
Read MorePurpose
This is my 200th blog post. I’m writing it on the eve of my son’s half birthday. My 18 month son who I love and adore more than I could have ever dreamed possible, and who is so cute that my husband and I often marvel at how someone so precious is a biological combination of…
Read More18 Month Photoshoot
My sister Rebecca is in town, which means PICTURES! Of course, we love having her here for other reasons too, but this visit was timed perfectly since Grayson turns 18 months on Thursday (sniff sniff) and I wanted more professional pictures than from my iphone or the “auto” setting on my fancy camera. Rebecca is…
Read MoreHe Passed!
Well, my son made a liar out of me today. He passed his swallow study. Apparently, he can swallow, and when he’s forced to, he will. He had his swallow study this morning, and despite a lot of choking and gagging (but not as much drama as I had feared), both the liquid and pudding…
Read MoreEwwww!
This little monkey man… See that mischievous smirk? Those angelic blue eyes? He knows what he did. And he thinks it’s SO funny. You know that saying “I just threw up a little in my mouth”? Well Grayson threw up a little. In MY mouth. How was YOUR Monday?!?
Read MoreCurrent Thoughts on Breastfeeding
*This post is written as a contribution to the PAIL blogroll monthly theme post. For my original breastfeeding story and thoughts on infant feeding, go here and here. My kid is 17 months old. I haven’t breastfed or pumped for 16 months. For four weeks after he was born, I tried and tried to do…
Read MoreUpdate
Today was a good day. A yoga pants, t-shirt, ponytail kind of day. And especially a no doctors appointments kind of day. Grayson’s three appointments this week were all really good. I got most of my questions answered and feel like we have plans in place going forward. A quick summary: Pulmonology: This was our first…
Read MoreAll You Can Do Is Laugh
2 out of 3 doctors appointments for the week: COMPLETED! The appointments themselves have been fine- great doctors and I got all my questions answered (and the GI doc told me I was a “great historian” for G- I’ll take that as a high compliment!) It’s just traveling to the Med Center two days a row in rush hour…
Read MoreUgh, Saturday
I’m frustrated and I need to vent. I’m having a hard time with Saturdays lately. I think it’s because when I was teaching, Saturdays really were a day off. With this mom-gig, I don’t get a day off- ever. And that’s fine, and I know how blessed I am to have this job. But now…
Read MoreHere We Go Again
It seems like every few months, just as we are adjusting to Grayson’s current issues, something else emerges. A new symptom has popped up in the last week- headaches (maybe). For about a week now, Grayson has been grabbing his head- either the sides of his head near his temples or the back around his…
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