All You Can Do Is Laugh
2 out of 3 doctors appointments for the week: COMPLETED! The appointments themselves have been fine- great doctors and I got all my questions answered (and the GI doc told me I was a “great historian” for G- I’ll take that as a high compliment!) It’s just traveling to the Med Center two days a row in rush hour traffic and then baby wrangling for hours and hours (during naptime) is just exhausting.
Yesterday, we arrived at 10:00 for our 10:30 appointment, didn’t see the doctor until 12:15, and then were sent for a chest X-ray and didn’t leave the hospital until 2:00. Exhausted from a day of zero naps, I went to bed at 7:00 pm last night.
Today, due to oh-so-wonderful Houston traffic, it took us almost TWO HOURS to get to the Med Center, but miraculously were only a few minutes late for our appointment. These are the times when being perpetually early and usually overestimating travel time really come in handy.
And just so you know, if you have to wait forever for a doctor to see you during your naptime, you have several options:
You can throw a fit….
You can laugh…
* Or you can laugh so hard you pee in your pants diaper…
*This one is definitely the most entertaining and the best way to pass the time.
loooved the giggles! does sound like very long days. 🙁
You are a super woman. Just reading about those days makes me skin crawl! Five hours at the doctor's! Two hours in traffic! AHHHHHHH!
I feel for you with the med center traffic! We tease all the time that there really should be a special express lane for those of traveling back and forth to the med center!
Cute pics and video, glad you are able to keep your humor and sanity among the traffic and waiting, oh heavens…they should have cribs in a room for naps while waiting. :o)