Posts by Elizabeth Baker
Spring Break
Grayson is on Spring Break this week. He was in the hospital half of last week (while school was still in session) and Ryan was on break last week as well. We time things really well in this family, obviously. Anyway, is it really only Tuesday? Because this Spring “Break” feels exactly the opposite of a…
Read MoreSame Thoughts, Different Day
Grayson will be 3 1/2 in just a few days. It’s hard for me to process this, and not just because he’s getting so old (he’s getting so old!), but because of how drastically different 3 1/2 year old Grayson is from 2 1/2 year old Grayson. This was Grayson just a year ago, and…
Read MoreAnother Hospital Stay
Grayson is in the hospital. I sensed all weekend we were headed that way- he was just “off” to me. A little too much crying, a random fever in the middle of the night, and some unscheduled naps told me something was up. Grayson’s labs look ok (or, at least they did this morning), he…
Read MorePrivilege
This morning, I read this post by my friend Esperanza, and I’ve been thinking about it all day. Go read it. You’ll be glad you did. And I in no way have anything earthshattering or original to add to any conversation regarding infant feeding, but here are my thoughts anyway, should you choose to continue reading…
Read MoreStill Here
It’s been awhile. I didn’t take a blogging break on purpose, but the last few weeks have kind of flown by and I’ve done a lot of going to bed at an embarrassingly early hour instead of opening up my laptop in the evening. And the truth is, I just haven’t had much to say.…
Read MoreLetters To Charlotte: 13 Months
Dear Charlotte, It’s been a month since your birthday, and in that month, despite me being in denial at times, you have become a toddler. You are strong willed, have many, many opinions about everything, and are testing boundaries like crazy right now. I will be honest, it’s been a tough few weeks. These days,…
Read MoreEssential Oils
A little over a year ago, I attended an introductory class on essential oils. I had heard the term EOs, but really had no idea what they were. I learned that EOs are natural substances from plants that have huge therapeutic and medicinal uses. While I was really interested and wanting to try them, I…
Read MoreGratefulness and Guilt
I have read a lot of infertility blogs over the past few years, and a theme that comes up time and time again is one I am beginning to relate to in my own life. Mothers who are parenting after struggling with infertility often feel guilt when the child they fought so hard for frustrates…
Read MoreHappy Valentines Day!
I hope your day was full of sweetness Hugs Kisses And medical supplies (if you’re into that sort of thing). Love, Grayson and Charlotte Valentines Day 2011, 2012, 2013
Read MoreHard Day
It’s been one of those days where my whole focus has been Get to bedtime. Just make it to bedtime. Of course, on these days the clock gets lazy, and takes its sweet time arriving at that magical hour, taunting me while my children whine, and cling, and deposit their bodily fluids all over me.…
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