Every year, my dad Santa Claus writes the kids letters. These letters are one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Enjoy!     From the Desk of Santa Claus                                   December 24, 2014                                       Dear Grayson: Well, here we are together again, on your fifth Christmas.  After five Christmas Eve visits (and four years…

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Dear Charlotte, Oh my Charnado, here we are- you are almost 2! When people ask me how old you are these days, I always answer that way- “Almost 2”, because you are most definitely the embodiment of a two year old. You are silly, sweet, defiant and frustrating at times, and full of endless energy.…

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This season is full of such conflicting emotions. I remember as a kid hearing that Christmastime is a really, really hard time for some people, and I didn’t understand. My childhood Christmases were magical, and I think my parents did an amazing job of balancing the fun of the season (presents, Santa, parties) with the…

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We had a magical Saturday, and I’m still tearing up when I think about it. A few weeks ago, Grayson was invited to attend the United Airlines Fantasy Flight to the North Pole. United invites children with chronic illnesses and their guests on the once-a-year flight, and every detail was perfect.  Official invitation: We arrived…

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Well, it’s been nearly a month since I wrote a real post. We’ve had a lot going on, but I just haven’t been motivated to write. I have a lot on my mind, but not much I can write about here. I’ve been hurt by a few comments in the past few months, and it’s made…

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Dear Charlotte, This day has been pretty chaotic, and you had school today and weren’t really in a cooperative mood to take pictures this afternoon. But, your crazy mom is determined to get these last few “month” posts recorded before you turn 2, and I know years from now I won’t care that I took…

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1. There is an inverse relationship between the amount of time you spend on a meal and how well your child eats it. And no matter what you make, Annnimaaaaal Craaaaaackerrrrrsss will be what she really wants. 2. You will feel like the world’s best parent and just know your daughter is destined for greatness  when…

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Yesterday, Charlotte and I stayed home while Grayson was at school. We didn’t get in the car or even leave the house once until it was time to pick him up. Honestly (and maybe I should be ashamed to say this), I can’t remember the last time we did this. We don’t stay at home. I…

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Dear Charlotte,This letter is a few days late because it’s been a crazy, chaotic week. Just hours after taking your 21 month pictures, we had to take Grayson to the hospital and he was there until yesterday afternoon. You were such a little trooper, staying with many different people this week- all who love  you…

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It was bound to happen- Grayson got really sick and had to be hospitalized this week. Lately I’d been saying how great Grayson was doing to everyone who asked, and we had a really great appointment with his Mito specialist last Friday, where even she commented how great he looked and how he was responding…

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