Letters to Charlotte: 22 Months
November 21, 2014
Dear Charlotte,
This day has been pretty chaotic, and you had school today and weren’t really in a cooperative mood to take pictures this afternoon. But, your crazy mom is determined to get these last few “month” posts recorded before you turn 2, and I know years from now I won’t care that I took all these pictures on my phone in bad lighting.
At 22 Months you:
– Weigh ?????- weighing you today just wasn’t in the cards, girlfriend. I know you are growing and FULL of energy, so I’m sure your weight is fine. Moving on.
– Have a lot more teeth than you did a few months ago. They are finally coming in!
– Wear the same sizes as last month- 18-24 month and 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers
– Have started showing some interest in the potty, but I’m choosing to ignore that for now.
– Are obsessed with your group of “friends” that you carry around everywhere. Last month, it was just Milton the dog, but now we’ve added a baby doll “Baby” and a bear “Pink Bear” to the mix. You also sleep with “Miss Ellie”, the elephant I was given as a baby, but you know she has to stay in your crib during the day.
-Love to sing songs, and can sing your ABCs, “Twinkle Twinkle” and ” Happy Birthday” in their entirety. There isn’t much cuter than hearing you belt out your songs.
– Are watching some TV and ask for the “Bus Song” (You Tube video of Wheels on the Bus and other kids songs) and Daniel Tiger.
– Got your first haircut a few weeks ago and it looks so much better- thicker and no more mullet!
I am so excited going into the holiday season with you! We have already started singing some Christmas songs in the car and you are loving them. I can’t wait to experience the excitement of everything through your eyes.
I love you so much sweet girl!