Sunday Night and Monday Fun
I have been so bad lately about posting on my blog. I miss it. I just don’t really have anything profound to say these days, and the days are flying by, one right after the other. Grayson had a really, really good week last week: he was back to school and his routine, and he is responding well to a new medication we are trying to control his drooling and hopefully reduce his vomiting (the drooling is 1000% better, vomiting 0% better unfortunately). So OF COURSE after a really good week, we were due for a trip to the hospital. Ugh.
Grayson was in the hospital from Sunday night to yesterday afternoon. He wasn’t sick; the balloon that holds his feeding tube in place broke, so the tube came partially out. Since he has a GJ and not just a G, we can’t replace it at home, so off to the ER we went. Just where I wanted to spend my Sunday night!
What’s interesting is this same thing happened a year ago almost to the day- we were in the ER with a broken tube on Easter Sunday last year. Hey, at least the kid’s consistent.
We spent about 4 hours in the ER until a room was ready for him. The first few hours were fine- he was actually in a great mood and we were singing and giggling a lot. But then he had to have an IV placed for fluids since he had no way of getting food/liquid that night and that was the end of his great mood. By the time we finally got to his room (around 10:30 pm) Grayson was just done and hysterically cried himself to sleep. When I was sure he was good and asleep, I went downstairs to the cafeteria to get some dinner. I got back about 25 minutes later and there were 2 doctors and 2 nurses in the room. What is going on? Grayson had cried out, so his nurse went to check on him, and he was having a seizure. The seizure itself had only lasted a minute and he was sound asleep by the time I got back, but the doctors felt like he needed to be moved to a monitored room for the rest of the night. I was SO tired and the last thing I wanted to do was gather up our stuff, move rooms, and have G hooked up to monitors. I just wanted to sleep!
The rest of the stay was uneventful- lots of waiting around. I asked if we could do the replacement without anesthesia, but they wouldn’t this time. And Grayson took 3 hours to wake up after the procedure- at least they let us go back to the room and I didn’t have to wait that long with him in the PACU.
So, awake and with a shiny new button, G was discharged about 4:30 and I was so ready to get out of there. The drive home should have taken about 30 minutes but took almost two hours due to an 18 wheeler/car fatality wreck that had what seemed like the whole city shut down. I was so glad to get home, eat takeout, and hug my girl who I hadn’t seen in 24 hours.
Anyway, I know the story of a tube replacement isn’t great material for an entire blog post, but that’s all I’ve got tonight. Today, April is here, for better or worse. Last April was really, really horrible, both for our family personally and our community and the country. Honestly, I’m kind of dreading April- I just expect bad things to happen. I think if we can stay out of the hospital for the next 30 days I’ll call it a win!