Goodbye, Sweet Chloe
Yesterday, we said goodbye to our little angel dog Chloe. Wednesday night, Chloe snuggled with Ryan while he watched TV, one last time.
One last car ride with Gabby- these two are going to miss each other 🙁
I had my friend at Waggin’ Tails pick her out a new collar and leash- we wanted her to look her best for her new family (and I wanted to keep her original collar)
Last snuggles with my girl when we got to her new home
I have called Chloe my angel dog since she joined our family a few days after Christmas in 2007. We lost our westie Pippi, my first baby, on Christmas day, and I was absolutely devastated. Several days later, we got a phone call from a friend who said there was a little white dog wandering their street. Hoping for a miracle that it was Pippi, we drove over to her house. It wasn’t Pippi, but that little white dog came right up to me and snuggled in my lap. We took her home right then. I know God sent Chloe that day to help me heal from the loss of Pippi.
Again, I am so thankful that we found Chloe such a great new home. I hope our little angel dog blesses her new family like she blessed us.
What a sweetie. It must have been hard to say good-bye. Sending love your way.
This makes me cry. I am happy you found her a nice home, but I'm so sad for you. :(You're a wonderful pet owner.
Hugs, mama. That's a hard thing to do. So glad she has a good family to go to 🙂
So happy she found a new great home so quickly, but I know there is a hole in your heart too, sending hugs!
Hugs to you and your family…
Oh sweetie. Just *hugs*. I'm so sorry, but I'm sure your angel dog is very happy now. She'll get more hugs, cuddles, and attention this way… a difficult and selfless decision.