Three weeks ago, Ryan had knee surgery. His third knee surgery in just over a year, poor guy. However, this particular surgery was much more invasive than the other two. They actually sliced him open this time- eek. They sliced him open and put in his own cartilage that had been growing in a lab since October. How do they come up with this stuff?! Anyway, I knew going in that this was going to be a harder, longer recovery than the first two. Yeah. Um. I knew that. But 99% of my brain has been occupied with baby, baby, baby the last few months, and that other 1% really didn’t process what “longer and harder” meant in a practical sense. Maybe I should have given it a little more thought.
It’s been HARD. And LONG. And the end really isn’t in sight right now. Ryan is on crutches, and can’t put any weight on his leg at all. And he has to be on this leg moving machine for about 4 hours a day. He can’t drive. He can’t make his own meals. He can’t get up with Grayson at night. Can’t walk around with Grayson when he’s screaming. He pretty much can’t do anything. And it will be like this (on crutches) for at least another 3 weeks.
So I’m going to give myself a pity party for a minute. I’m TIRED. I’m caring for a 3 1/2 month old, 4 dogs, and my husband’s basic needs. I’m still not getting more than 2-3 hours of sleep at a time. I’m doing all the house chores and all the driving. It’s a lot. I know Ryan is very appreciative and thanks me all the time, and I know I haven’t always been the nicest or had the best attitude about all this. I’m working on it.
I am SO excited about this coming weekend. My mom, Grayson and I are taking a little trip to Charlotte, North Carolina, one of my very favorite places. I am thrilled for Grayson to meet my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins. I’m also glad to be getting away for a few days. It will be nice. And as an added bonus…it’s supposed to SNOW!
I feel for you, Elizabeth. That's similar to what it was like for me when David had both of his hips replaced so close together. Only take away the infant and add a full-time job. I got depressed, I hope you're not headed that way!