100 Days
December 30, 2010
100 Days ago, I became a mommy. So in honor of Grayson being 100 days old, here are 100 things that I have learned and love…
- Giving birth wasn’t that bad. I know, slap me.
- I shouldn’t have sent my husband home our first night in the hospital- it was overwhelming.
- It was terrifying being on the freeway in the rain with my new baby on the way home from the hospital
- Sleep deprivation actually does cause hallucinations
- Holding my baby when he was less than 6 pounds was terrifying
- Watching other people hold my less than 6 pound baby was terrifying
- Now that Grayson is 10+ pounds, he “fits” better in my arms
- Breastfeeding is hard, and doesn’t always work out (future post about this coming)
- Pumping sucks.
- It was a surreal feeling riding in an ambulance with my 5 day old child
- Pampers Swaddlers are my favorite diaper, but they are also the most expensive
- I need lots of self control at Babies R Us and Target
- Sometimes I have to go to Babies R Us or Target just to get out of the house.
- Seeing my baby smile is one of the greatest joys in my life
- I couldn’t have survived these past 100 days without my mom
- Target brand formula is $10 cheaper/can and Grayson likes it just as much as the name brand formula
- The video baby monitor is crucial
- Baby socks are very difficult to keep on a baby’s feet
- Clipping Grayson’s nails is hard, but if I don’t, he scratches up his face at night
- Taking a rectal temperature is much easier than clipping a baby’s nails
- I love my baby’s hair
- I am amazed at how everyone is amazed by my baby’s hair
- I love how Grayson’ hair is soft and blond right after his bath
- Bath time is my favorite time of the day
- I now understand the need for the “Pee Pee Tepee”
- I haven’t bought any Pee Pee Teepees
- I’ve gotten peed on multiple times during diaper changes
- Babies fart a lot
- Grayson makes the funniest faces right after he’s done eating
- I think my hands are permanently pruned from washing bottles all day
- I am so grateful and blessed to be a stay at home mom
- I love going to work at Waggin’ Tails when I have the chance
- I do not miss teaching at all
- I feel sorry for Ryan that he doesn’t get to be with Grayson all day like I do
- I now kind of understand all those parents who think their kid is perfect
- My kid actually IS perfect
- I really hope my Grammie gets to meet Grayson in person some day
- I really want my brothers to have kids so Grayson gets some more cousins
- I really miss Grayson when I’m not with him
- Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from Grayson
- I love watching Grayson fall asleep in his Daddy’s arms
- I really need to get back in shape
- I’m so excited about my new jogging stroller that I got for Christmas
- I have to eat meals really fast or I just don’t get to eat
- Pacifiers are wonderful things- I don’t care what anyone says
- Pacifiers fall out of baby’s mouth a lot
- Dogs like to chew on pacifiers
- I think Grayson is going to be a thumb sucker- he loves to chew and lick him hands
- Onesies are much more practical than regular shirts on babies
- Baby jammies with a million snaps are hard to work with at 3 AM in the dark when Grayson is screaming
- Crib sheets are very annoying to change
- Sleep sacks are great
- Diaper Genie refills are crazy expensive and I need them all the time
- I want to learn to knit so I can make cute hats and booties for Grayson
- It’s fun remembering all the silly kids’ songs from childhood
- The hours of 4-6 PM, depending on the day, are not good. Lots of crying, and tired mommy
- Grayson will sometimes sleep from 6:30- 11:30 PM (5 hour stretch) but NEVER from 11:30-4:30.
- I never thought I could go 99/100 nights without sleeping more than 3 hours at a stretch, but I can. (Thank you Hannah, Megan and Rebecca for that one wonderful night of sleep)
- I really like blogging about Grayson
- I hope my blogs aren’t boring to other people
- My dogs are still cute
- My dogs are wonderful with Grayson
- My dogs are driving me crazy
- My dogs actually survive being outside without me watching over them, and a lot of times that’s where they are now
- There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping Grayson on my chest
- It’s easy to get carried away with worry about “milestones”
- I am not a “schedule-ly” mom
- Sometimes I feel guilty because we aren’t on a schedule
- There’s a lot of guilt that goes along with being a mom
- I love reading books to Grayson
- I wish Grayson wouldn’t cry when I read to him
- I love when Ryan sings to Grayson, even though the songs are ridiculous
- I think Grayson looks like both me and Ryan, but the most like my brother David
- I hope Grayson ends up with blue eyes like Ryan’s
- It’s crazy how much gear it takes to spend the night at Grammie’s
- One of the biggest blessings is having a fantastic photographer right in the family
- The best thing I did during pregnancy was buy a ton of diapers
- I am dreading the day we run out of our stash of diapers and I have to buy more
- Not all baby wipes are created equal
- Those water temperature rubber ducks are stupid
- Stick your hand in the bath water to see if it’s too hot
- I love that my dad loves Grayson so much
- Grayson is really, really cute
- I feel really, really not cute
- I’ve never been more grateful for good friends with listening ears
- I’m really, really tired all the time
- I miss being pregnant and feeling Grayson kick and move inside me
- I miss maternity jeans
- It’s nice to be able to drink alcohol and eat lunch meat again
- I’ve decided my next baby I won’t find out the gender
- I don’t want another baby for awhile
- I’ve learned that coming up with a list of 100 is hard
- It is awful when Grayson is screaming and I can’t make his bottle fast enough
- It is even more awful when he spits up an entire 4 ounce bottle after a feeding
- When I am up AGAIN with Grayson at 2 AM, I remind myself he won’t be a baby forever and I will miss cuddling with him at 2 AM
- I am amazed that 1 year ago, I wasn’t even pregnant yet, and now I have a 3 month old.
- Sometimes it’s overwhelming to think that we are raising a child, not just taking care of a baby
- I’m so excited to learn what Grayson is going to be into and be good at
- I’ve had lots of interruptions while writing this list, as I have interruptions with everything I do now
- I love, love, love this baby and I love being a mommy
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Beautiful. You are so creative, loved reading your list. What a great 100 days!
awwh, happy 100 days! i dont miss teaching either; did you quit altogether or are you on leave? i have that decision to make! and i really hate pumping too; the breastpump is like my #1 enemy.
No, I'm done for good- at least for now. Hooray!