1 Month!
Grayson is one month old today! He weighs 7 pounds, 2 ounces and has outgrown most of his “preemie” clothes. We are still very much in newborn diapers, and have already had to buy more (grrr…I stocked up on diapers big time during the pregnancy and followed the advice to not buy too many newborn size because we wouldn’t need them long…).He is still a very chill baby and thankfully is very easy to soothe when he gets upset. Usually the only time he fusses is when he’s hungry or wants to be held (which I’m realizing is pretty much all the time!). Our big milestone this week is he’s been sleeping in the bassinet at night so I’ve been able to sleep in my bed again- finally! For weeks after we got home from the hospital I slept on the couch so I could get up every 2 hours for the feedings without waking Ryan. Now that G is a little bigger, I’ve been letting him wake me up when he’s ready to eat at night- so far it’s every 3 hours like clockwork.
Most of the day, Grayson is either sleeping or eating, but when he’s awake, I’ve been trying to “play” with him. We do tummy time, and he’s still rolling over every time. We listen to music and read books. We’ve been on several outings- yesterday we visited our friend Klare at her kolache shop, today we went to the bank with Grandaddy, and we’ve been up to Waggin’ Tails several times to take and pick up Hank at daycamp. Grayson is really good in the car and I hope that continues!
Can't beleive he is one month old already! Love the picture with his 1 month sticker!!! So happy you are using them. So cute!
awwh!! what a cutie!! his hair is soooo adorable! happy 1 month 🙂