Pro-Lifers, Your Whataboutism is Outrageous When it Comes to Families Separated at the Border
The United States government, in an effort to deter illegal immigration at the border, has separated over 2,000 migrant children from their families in the past 6 weeks. Two. Thousand. Children. This is not a partisan issue. It’s not a grey issue. We cannot agree to disagree on this one. This is evil. And yet,…
Read MoreSeparating Families as a Deterrent to Breaking the Law is Inhumane
I tucked my children in their beds last night, with no fear for their safety or their separation from me. They fell asleep peacefully, warm and confident that their dad and I would both be there when they woke in the morning. Meanwhile, a mere 350 miles from my home, hundreds of children, many of…
Read MoreTo the Moms Who No Longer Have Toddlers, But Still Remember How Hard it Is: Thank You.
A lot of ink has been spilled about the “Mommy Wars” and how mothering has become a competitive sport. I know this is a real problem, but thankfully, I’ve been immune to most of it. The moms in real life that I choose to share my life with have, for the most part, been kind,…
Read MoreThe Paradox of Motherhood
Is there a more complicated, paradoxical role than being a mother? I can’t imagine any other experience in life that is filled with so much joy, yet at the same time, pain. The intoxicating joy of holding my first newborn on my chest was simply the flip side of a coin. The other side holds…
Read MoreHamilton!
After 15 months of anticipation, I saw Hamilton on Tuesday! The traveling tour is in Houston for the next month, and my parents got tickets and were gracious to ask me and my sister, along with her husband and my mom’s friend, to be their guests. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack for the…
Read MoreSunday
Yesterday, I nervously walked into a church for the first time in many, many months. Sunday mornings have become my refuge, my only time of the week that I am truly alone. I love people, and especially my people, but too much consecutive time with people makes me twitchy. As an introvert who doesn’t like…
Read MoreChristian and Progressive: Yes, Franklin Graham, I Can Be Both
Hey Christians- you do know they think we’re assholes, right? Yes, they: the rest of the people in this country just trying to live their lives, but who are constantly berated because their lifestyle, political views, or religion don’t fit in the box labeled “Christian”. They want nothing to do with a belief system that…
Read MoreLife Lately
I have barely written here this year, and I miss this space. The truth is, I’ve had quite the vulnerability hangover for months now and every time I sit down to write something vulnerable here, I just chicken out. Perhaps that’s for the best though, at least right now. But, there is quite a bit…
Read MoreLetters to Nolan: Two and A Half
Dear Nolan, Happy half birthday to my silly, handsome guy! Today you are two and a half, but you have been “correcting” me all day saying you are five and a half. You want to do everything Charlotte does, so it’s no surprise you want to be her age too. Nolan, you are in a…
Read MoreUnexpected Answers
Today is Rare Disease Day- I should have done more to raise awareness, like change my FB profile picture or share facts about rare diseases all week. But, I didn’t, and my excuse is I’ve been slightly overwhelmed by the rare disease that we live with all 365 days of the year. Ironically, this morning,…
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