It’s almost been 6 months since I’ve been pregnant, and I haven’t exactly been too motivated to get myself back into shape. I definitely haven’t been laying around eating junk, but I also haven’t made a point to excersise regularly and make conscious good food choices. Honestly, I was SO hungry my whole pregnancy that…

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Ever since we found out Grayson has developmental and vision issues, I have really tried to have a positive attitude about the situation. Yes, I have my moments of sadness and feeling overwhelmed, but for the most part I have stayed busy working on skills we learn in therapy and focusing on Grayson’s successes. One…

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Most kids have to beg their parents for a dog- Grayson has FOUR! Of course, he doesn’t care about them, and actually has yet to really acknowledge their existence- but he will. I’ve been trying for weeks to get a good picture of G-man and his Hank-man, but so far Hank wants nothing to do…

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I am having a blah day. I feel like crap- sick to my stomach. Reminds me of being pregnant (No, I am definitely NOT pregnant) but without the there’sababygrowinginsidemesothisistotallyworthit feeling. Now it’s a there’sanactualbabyneedingmyundividedattentionalldaylongsoIcan’tlayonthecouchallday feeling. This is a new one- the first time I’ve wanted to call in sick to my job- except there’s no…

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If you are friends with me on Facebook, you might have seen this cute little picture I posted yesterday: G has sucked his thumb before, off and on, but was definitely not in a committed relationship with the appendage. He did however, have quite the infatuation with his big green pacifier. However, yesterday morning I think…

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So what if… I still have our Christmas card on the mantle because I think it’s so cute. I still wake up (well, half wake up) at least once a night with Izzy snuggled against me under the covers and think it’s Grayson, and I freak out a little. Ryan jokes every time he goes to…

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Happy 5 Months sweet boy! We have had a GREAT few weeks- I have seen Grayson change dramatically since my last “month” post. Also, all 3 of our therapists have said that Grayson is a totally different baby than when we started therapy! This is a huge encouragement to me, because sometimes doing his “work”…

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I stubbed my toe this morning. It hurt and I cussed under my breath (ok, maybe not so much under my breath). When the pain subsided, and I was fine, I had a thought that really surprised me. I don’t want Grayson to ever have to feel the pain of stubbing his toe. What?! That…

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When we leave the house, our 3 little dogs stay in a big crate. They are totally fine in the crate, and a lot of times will go in there on their own. But when we come home, they go NUTS. We can hear them start barking when we pull in the driveway. This used…

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The bugs are Grayson’s feet! Ah, Valentine’s Day. The love, the kisses, the hugs, the fussing, the diaper blowout, the nothing is going to make me happy mood my little Valentine was in all day. Luckily, we did have a few minutes of adorableness in front of the camera this morning. I have no brainpower…

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