No real news or interesting topic to blog on, so I just wrote down what came to my mind tonight…. I am increasingly bored and annoyed with television. Maybe it’s the noise- I am in love with the silent moments of my day. I rarely turn the TV on during the day and if Ryan…

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Oh my, this is one of those days I am really glad Grayson goes to bed ridiculously early. It hasn’t been a horrible day at all, just kind of off.  We spent the night at my parents’ last night after swimming because G was cranky and not willing to stay up while we ate dinner…

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Dear Grayson, Today, my sweet little Monster, you are 10 months old. Double digits. 2 months away from your first birthday. I guess I missed the day you were officially out of my belly longer than you were in, but it wasn’t too long ago. It’s amazing how much you’ve grown and changed since that…

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Oh my goodness, my life has gotten busy the past few weeks! I can’t complain- lots of really good things happening, but I sure am missing my down-time too! I thought this summer was going to be full of “free” time because Ryan was home-well, it turned out to be exactly the opposite. We have…

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My sweet boy had his 6 month review for therapy today with 3 of his “teachers”. We discussed his progress, made new goals for the next 6 months, and they wrote down everything we talked about. This is my very favorite part of the review: I totally agree!

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I’m becoming more and more disenchanted with doctors and the medical community in general. When we started taking Grayson to specialists at 3 months old, I had a lot of faith that these doctors would be able to run their tests and use their vast medical knowledge and experience to diagnose and “fix” my little…

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 Giving Grandaddy a kiss at the airport before our flight Yes, this was only a 4 day trip…oy Posing with Grandaddy in front of his alma mater- the Midland High Chemics- most hilarious, nerdy mascot EVER Yes, the have a molecule in front of the school. No wonder my dad grew up to be a…

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If I’m being totally honest, traveling isn’t my favorite thing to do. At all. I like the “being there” part of traveling- the visiting with friends and relatives, the seeing and doing exciting things, but I loathe the logistics of traveling: packing, airport security, sleeping in a bed other than my own, etc. And traveling…

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Well, we all survived the weekend. Ryan and I attended a marriage conference in Kerrville- we had some good talks about the future of our family, slept two uninterrupted nights without dogs in our bed and a baby monitor by my ear, and got a private tour and wine tasting at a vinyard/winery near Fredricksburg. Grayson had a great time…

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I’m off to a weekend retreat with the hubby today, but wanted to announce my giveaway winners. I am so excited because they are both friends I’ve met through this blog! The winners are… Esperanza from Stumbling Gracefully (and I’m so excited she won because I won her giveaway a few weeks ago!) and Stefanie…

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