Dear Grayson, Today, you are eleven months old. I cannot believe you are so close to being O-N-E. You are still so much a baby, but worlds apart from your 5 pound self a little less than a year ago. This month, you’ve been continuing to work hard at eating and gaining weight, and I…

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This afternoon, I was looking through old pictures of stuff I’d painted to put examples on my etsy page. I came across this picture that I painted in 2005. It’s a picture of the “client” (the one in the middle, with the tiara) and all her girlfriends. I worked HOURS and HOURS on this picture,…

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This kid of mine. Oh my goodness. I am overwhelmed by his sweetness, his precious personality, and well, his cuteness. But I am also overwhelmed that he’s on his own growth curve and timetable, and his body does not play by the rules. Most days, I feel good. Competent. On top of things and doing…

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I am constantly frustrated and embarrassed with the state of my house. It’s a mess. I could run the vacuum all day long and there would still be dog hair everywhere. And the baby stuff- where in the world did all this stuff come from? I try, I really do. I feel like I am…

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Happy Friday Everyone! Just wanted to share a few random happenings from our week. Last Saturday, Ryan, Grayson and I took a Goodbye-Summer-Hello-Football-Season family outing. We went to the Children’s Museum, had lunch in town, and stalked the Little Couple’s house. The Little Couple is our newest local Houston celebrity obsession interest, and my husband…

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Before I became a mom, I read and heard everywhere that motherhood (especially for those who stay at home) can be isolating. How moms spend their days changing diapers, fixing bottles (or breastfeeding, whatever the case may be), cleaning up toys, and in general, totally separate from the outside adult world. Yes, I spend my…

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It’s getting harder. The comparing thing. I mean, not doing it. Grayson is doing well. He’s a hard worker, but he also likes to cuddle with his momma (well, really anyone who will let him rest his head on their shoulder). He’s making progress, but it’s slow. His rate of progress isn’t as fast as…

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It just hit me today that Grayson’s birthday is next month. What? How in the world can I have an almost 1 year old? Of course, turning one is a huge milestone and needs to be celebrated, which means…birthday party time! If I’m being honest, thinking about planning his birthday party is really stressing me…

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