This weekend, I attended two social events where I didn’t know the majority of the people who were there. One was a Bunco night fundraiser for a friend’s son’s baseball team and one was actually an essential oils class that I was teaching. At both events, there was a large amount of time to chat…

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I just read over some of my early posts from Grayson’s first year. Over and over again, I was worried about his weight. Until he got his feeding tube, he was less than the 1st percentile and was considered “failure to thrive” at a year old. Putting weight on him was a constant, frustrating pursuit.…

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We had a crazy busy, but fun and exciting day today. It started with early morning G-tube surgery for Charlotte’s baby doll. I was a little unnerved because as I drilled a hole in this sweet baby’s tummy, I kept thinking I was like Quinn on Scandal and was torturing the poor thing- but then I…

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Yesterday, we had Grayson’s 4 month follow up from his SPML surgery he had in January. At first, the results of that surgery were nothing short of miraculous. Our sweet boy’s legs had been so tight and stiff and after surgery, his legs were loose, and changing him and even picking him up were SO…

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Dear Charlotte, I had just gotten used to saying you were 15 months old, and you go and turn another month older! I would say stop that, but in truth, I am loving the stage you are in right now and am truly embracing your toddlerness. For every moment you exasperate, overwhelm and frustrate me,…

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Both my babies are crying in their beds right now. I have no idea what is wrong with Charlotte- she usually falls right to sleep after her bottle. Grayson has been “off” all day, and I’m kind of worried about him. He cried like he was in pain several times today, and now he’s crying…

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I realized I haven’t given a medical-type update on Grayson in awhile. The amazing truth is that he’s doing really well, and there isn’t a whole lot to report. He hasn’t been sick, hasn’t been in the hospital in almost 2 months, and is relatively stable. Of course, in our world, no news is, in fact, GREAT news.…

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With Mother’s Day just days away, I’ve been thinking about this role that I’ve had the privilege of holding for over four years now (because yes, I absolutely count the year I was pregnant with Grayson as my first Mother’s Day). I’m living my dream; I’m a mom to two beautiful, awesome kids, who challenge,…

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We had the best weekend! It was busy, and yet I still got to take a nap both Saturday and Sunday- I honestly don’t think that’s happened since I’ve had two kids! The weekend was the perfect blend of busyness and relaxation. Saturday, we spent the morning at the zoo, napped in the afternoon, and then Ryan and…

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