I’m having writer’s block lately and not much inspiration for this blog. Actually, I could write 3 blog posts a day if I had a computer that could somehow transcribe my thoughts as they came to me. For 22 hours of the day, I really want another baby.  During the hours of 3:30-5:30 pm,  all I…

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It’s been a really stressful week, and my body is responding with fatigue- the best way I can describe it is it feels like I have a newborn- that deep, my limbs feel like they are made of lead kind of tired. When I finish this post, I know I’ll be really tempted just to…

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This afternoon, I did something for the first time: I took both my children out by myself. Actually, I have done it before- I think I’ve taken them to two doctors appointments, but at the time, Charlotte was still a sleepy infant, so that really doesn’t count. To be honest, I was really nervous and…

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One of my favorite blogs is The Thinking Mom’s Revolution. The women who write for this blog (and books too) are mostly parents of children with autism, but many of them face other medical challenges with their children, including Mitochondrial Disease. They are smart, they are blunt, and they are on a mission- to educate…

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Dear Grayson, Happy fourth birthday to my precious little boy! Even though you were at school most of the day,  you were on my mind and my heart every minute of today. Your sister and I sang “Happy Birthday” to you many, many times while we were still in our pajamas, and you tolerated the…

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 Dear Charlotte,Today you are 20 months old. I don’t notice it as much as in person, but looking at these pictures makes me realize what a big girl you are and how much you have changed in the past few months. You are still as sweet and funny as ever, but in the last…

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I’ve been trying to reflect a little bit on this day- the anniversary of Grayson’s diagnosis. Mostly I’ve been distracted- running errands, lunch with a friend, and dealing with the every day craziness that is life with two little ones. But then this afternoon I just happened to visit a friend whose baby has a…

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SO WHAT that I haven’t written a post since last week’s SWW? SO WHAT that we were so tired of toddler antics  tonight that dinner consisted of pizza and beer in front of the TV…and yes, we wheeled the toddler in her highchair into the living room to eat her pizza with us. SO WHAT…

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SO WHAT that  I meant to blog on Saturday because it was my four year anniversary of blogging (wow!) but we spent the day with family and then celebrating this precious little one year old. SO WHAT that Charlotte wore this dress Grammie brought her back from Austria two days in a row because 1.…

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I’ve said before that I almost never cry about Grayson. I recognize that there’s an emotional disconnect there, and I think most of the time that wall between reality and my emotions is necessary for me to function day to day, take care of my children, and generally have a positive outlook on most aspects…

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