Grayson went back to school today! To have him be able to attend summer school post-surgery was a major goal of mine, and I am so thrilled for him (and the rest of us!) that he is able to attend. Sadly, his school was destroyed in the horrible flooding that resulted from Houston’s major storm…

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Here we are, two weeks post-surgery. I’m glad that two doctors warned me about how tough this was going to be, because I really believe I’ve been able to manage my expectations and emotions really well because I had a realistic picture going into this.  What I hadn’t really realized- this would be my last…

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I apologize for not updating here in weeks, and for leaving some of you hanging who have been so supportive of our decision to go through with Grayson’s hip surgery. His surgery was ten days ago, and yes, things have been incredibly hard and exhausting, but also have been best case scenario in almost every…

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Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement on my last post. As I knew would happen, I had four people contact me whose babies also had choroid plexus cysts- and all went away and were born completely healthy. My worry and anxiety has dramatically decreased, and I’ve just decided not to worry…

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Today was supposed to be normal. I dropped the kids off at school, went and got a bagel, and headed to my doctors appointment. I’m 19 weeks, 2 days pregnant, and had my anatomy scan this morning.  I’ve always had normal anatomy scans, and expected this one to be the same. Of course, I know…

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I sure am glad today is about over. It wasn’t necessarily a bad day, just exhausting. I spent the entire day with Grayson, which I love, and rarely get to do because he goes to school 5 days a week, but wow, he wears me out.  Grayson’s school had some flooding due to the heavy…

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I don’t want to jinx anything, or risk sounding smug because we are barely 3 months in, but I have to say it: so far, I absolutely adore age 2. Since having Grayson, I always thought of myself as a baby person, but now I think maybe I’m a two-year-old person. I think I’ll just…

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It has been a really fun Easter “season” this year. The weather has been gorgeous in Houston the past few weeks, and Charlotte is at an age where we can really participate in things like egg hunts. I didn’t put any pressure on myself to go all out for Easter- I bought Charlotte a bucket…

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I’ll be 16 weeks tomorrow- how is that even possible? Last Thursday, my doctor made sure I still didn’t want to know the sex of this baby, because she could have told me that day. What? How am I already at that point? And no, I didn’t want to know- being surprised with Charlotte was…

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          Dear Grayson, You are now four and a half years old. You may not be a typical four and a half year old, but you sure are my favorite one. I can’t even put into words how much I love and adore you.  You have such a softness and gentleness…

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