Posts by Elizabeth Baker
Letters to Nolan: 2 Months
Dear Nolan, What a busy second month you’ve had! You have changed so much in just a few weeks, and it’s been fun but bittersweet to watch your newborn sleepiness slowly fade away and be replaced with personality and preferences. You started smiling right at 6 weeks old, and it’s impossible not to smile back…
Read MoreGoodbye, Alexis
It’s been a sad, confusing week. Last Friday, I was on my way to Dallas for my sister’s wedding and got word that one of Grayson’s teachers had very unexpectedly passed away at the age of 37. Alexis had been Grayson’s teacher since he started at The Caroline School in August of 2012. They spent…
Read MoreNeeding Things to Change
I am so completely stressed out right now. I won’t rehash all the details here, because I honestly don’t want to think about all the crap that’s happened the last six weeks or so, but it involves a LOT of money spent on unexpected house repairs, shady repair people, car repairs, and hours and hours…
Read MoreLetters to Nolan: 1 Month
Dear Nolan, Today you are one month old! I’m going to try really, really hard to keep up with these pictures and letters for you just like I did for your brother and sister. Please forgive me if I get behind though- life with three little ones is a little crazy! Even though I feel…
Read MoreLetters to Grayson: 5 Years
Dear Grayson, Happy Birthday sweet boy (1 week late). Yeah, the late thing- get used to that. I am certainly not on top of blogging/memory keeping these days. Between you and your little brother and sister, I barely have time to breathe. Your actual birthday came and went, but your Daddy and I keep marveling…
Read MoreNolan is Here!
So, I had a baby two weeks ago. And every night I’ve thought that I really should update my blog, but of course any moments of rest and sleep I can get have won out every time. Nolan Reid was born September 1 at 8:31 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20…
Read MoreHalfway through August…
August has been, to put it mildly, challenging so far. I’m 36 weeks pregnant today, and well, I’m just having a hard time. Every morning, I go over my mental to-do list of things that really should be accomplished before this baby arrives, and every evening, it’s all I can do to contain the mess…
Read MoreLetters to Charlotte: Two and a Half
Dear Charlotte, Two and a Half. I’m not sure what to think about this particular age just yet- the past few days, weeks even, have been quite challenging. I’m not sure if it’s your age or the fact that your mom is 8 months pregnant and it’s the middle of the scorching summer, but everything…
Read MoreSo What Wednesday
So What if I haven’t blogged in weeks…again. These days, unless it’s crucial, I just don’t do what I don’t feel like doing. So What if at the end of the day all I feel like doing is crawling into bed and watching mindless TV or listening to podcasts.? At 31 weeks pregnant, I still…
Read MoreJust Getting Through the Day
Things have been hard around here. We aren’t in crisis mode, exactly, but the hour by hour, getting through the day has just been a challenge. I’ve been tired, moody and in no mood to do much of anything (hence the 3 week blog silence). The cloud hanging over life right now is how I…
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