It’s been a hectic, stressful week. My anxiety was on overload a few days ago, and I was wondering how in the world I was going to handle another minute of my life. Grayson had surgery on Tuesday, my grandfather is very sick and isn’t expected to live much longer, and Charlotte continues to be…

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A few months ago, Grayson had neuropsychological testing done. We requested this testing for him since he will be starting public school in the fall and we want to make sure we give the school a complete picture of his capabilities and potential. I was especially interested in learning/confirming his cognitive ability- my biggest fear for…

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Dear Nolan, Here we are- the point in your babyhood where you’ve been on the outside just as long as you were on the inside. In contrast to the red, screamy, dark haired baby you were as a newborn,  you are now a fair-skinned, blonde, happy little boy who really does get cuter by the day.…

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It’s 6:30 pm and our children are in bed asleep. Blackout curtains and sound machines were invented for me. This article has been making the rounds the past few days about the benefits of an early bedtime (and the boys usually go to bed more than an hour earlier than their mentioned “absurdly” early bedtime). Sure, I could tell…

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Yesterday was Charlotte’s second lesson with SafeSplash Swim School. Unfortunately, we had to miss last week due to Grayson being in the hospital, but it didn’t seem to slow our girl down one bit. She was so anxious to get to the pool and she practically dragged me out the door. We got to her…

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Last week, after I wrote this post, Grayson just wasn’t getting any better, so I took him to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital for one night, but thankfully bounced back quickly with fluids and rest and we got to go home the next evening. It had been months since we’d been in the…

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Another Mothers Day has come and gone, and while it was good (sweet cards and gifts from my family, church, and dinner with extended family), it wasn’t exactly relaxing. Grayson has had two really rough nights- he’s gagging and retching like crazy and last night just cried and cried in my arms until he fell…

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Summer is quickly approaching (yay!) and we have big plans to spend a lot of time in the water. For the past few years, we haven’t had easy access to a pool, so Charlotte hasn’t had a lot of exposure to water or swimming. Honestly, I’ve felt a combination of nervousness and guilt about this…

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Dear Nolan, You have really started coming into yourself the past few weeks, and I am so enjoying watching your cute little personality emerge. You are SO much happier now that you are mobile, and although it’s made life just that much busier, we are all much happier too. You are into absolutely everything right…

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In case you haven’t heard, we got a little rain down here in Houston Sunday night. It was a fantastic storm whose thunder (and the flash flood alarms on our phones) kept us up all night and caused a little girl to crawl into bed with me for the first time ever in the wee…

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