What We're Up to Lately

I love when my past blog posts pop up on my TimeHop app, so I really am going to try to be better and updating my blog on the everyday stuff of life that I will surely forget if I don’t write it down.

School Updates:

  • Grayson has 2 weeks of Kindergarten under his belt! When asked how it’s going, I can honestly say on our end, mostly very, very good. I love his teacher, and I can tell G does too. I’ve talked to her almost every day and it’s obvious she loves him and is concerned with him getting the very best care. She texts me pictures and writes me notes about sweet things he does. However, I really think she and the paraprofessionals in his classroom are struggling with his medical needs. Most of the calls I get are concerns with how he is feeling, his frequent retching and vomiting, and his fatigue. He was sent home “sick” from school last Monday; he wasn’t sick, he was just really tired. And then Friday, there was an incident on the bus where he started retching and the bus driver thought he was having a seizure (he wasn’t). I had an honest conversation with his teacher after that and we discussed G possibly moving to another school with the classroom for kids who are medically fragile, which, when we moved, is where we assumed G would be. I don’t know if he will be moved or not, but I told her we would be ok if that’s where they think he should be. So we’ll see.

  • The BUS! I LOVE THE BUS! G started riding this week and it just makes our mornings and afternoons so much less stressful. We have all loved going outside in the mornings to wait (the weather has been great). Charlotte and Nolan love watching their brother ride the lift and be wheeled in, and we wave as he rides away.
  • Charlotte starts school this Wednesday. HALLELUJAH. This girl needs school to start in the worst way, or maybe that’s me. She will be going three days this year (MWF) and we are so excited about her new school. We had Meet the Teacher on Friday and she loved meeting her sweet teachers and playing in her classroom.

  • These two cutie cousins share a birthday, and we celebrated the big THREE (Theo) and ONE (Nolan) last weekend at the ranch. Theo is into all things construction and wanted a “Wrecking Ball Cake” so the three year olds, Grammie, and Aunt Rebecca made it happen.

  • Charnado has a pretty bad shiner right now due to her falling off the bed at the ranch. Never a dull moment with this girl!

  • Nolan’s favorite pastime, next to playing in the toilet, is playing in the refrigerator. And dumping anything in his reach on top of him (this is G’s formula).

  • We are so thrilled that for the first time we have neighbors who have become friends! Charlotte and their little boy are the same age and play really well together. We’ve played at home and at the park, and had them over for dinner last night. It was crazy, loud and messy, but so much fun.

  • Grayson’s patio he is getting through Make A Wish is currently being re-built for the third time. The first two attempts were with flagstone, and it just wasn’t done correctly and didn’t look good nor was it safe for a wheelchair or little feet playing outside. There is a new company taking over the project that is pouring concrete instead, which was our original “wish”. Although this has been a really frustrating ordeal, we are so grateful to Make A Wish for working with our family to give G the best outdoor space possible.

I love September and the start of a new year with structure and activities. We are staying busy but I think all of us thrive that way!


  1. Down On The Farm on September 7, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    Beautiful family!!! Excited about your outdoor area. G will LOVE it!!!

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