Grayson's New Ride
Today our PT and a rep from a wheelchair/medical equipment company came to the house and we ordered Grayson his wheelchair and bath chair. Any sadness I had about ordering a wheelchair for my child was gone when I saw how comfortable he was in the chair. He sat happily for about 30 minutes. And the wheelchair is really, well, awesome. It has tons of adjustments, can tilt and recline and will come with a tray. And look how great Grayson looks in it (his will be blue where you see the other colors). There is (of course) a lot of paperwork and approvals that have to happen, so we won’t get the chair for a few months- hopefully we’ll have it in time for the first day of school!
This is the bath chair we will be getting. I am SO EXCITED about this. Grayson is 22 months old tomorrow, and I think it’s time he graduated from the Fisher Price Rainforest infant tub!
And just for fun, one more picture- sweet little angel had cried and cried at naptime today, but finally fell asleep in my arms. Thankfully, I was able to make the transition to his crib. He was just too sweet not to take a pic.
I also got a call today that we will have a nurse for Grayson at the house starting Monday. I know it will be kind of awkward/strange at first, but I’m excited for the help!
Awesome chair! I can't wait until we get K's. It is going to make life so much easier!
Such exciting news!!!!!! He looks so comfy sitting in the wheelchair! I hope the approval doesn't take too long. When Matt had outgrown his stroller and we were waiting for the special needs stroller the wait seemed to take forever. I hope you guys get it on the first approval! Also, such exciting news about the nurse!!!! Have you found out if your can have the nurse there on Sundays so you guys can go to church?
Wow, all of Grayson's new equipment is awesome! I can't wait to see him in his new chair!
Great new set of wheels!! He looks precious in it and so awesome for the bath chair!!!!
Wow – all of these things make me so happy! LOVE the chair – he looks like he loves it too.
man – good news all over! LOVE it!
That doesn't look at all like a wheelchair! It looks like a cool stroller! He is so cute. 🙂
He is such a leggy little boy – I love it!!How wonderful to get a wheelchair that he feels great in.
Fancy ride! 🙂 In the pic it looks like his hand is looking for the controls to drive it- I am assuming it will not be motorized! 🙂
he is looking sooo grown up! his new gear will be like an early Christmas, and will make things easier for the both of you!
So glad you have a nurse starting next week! I thought I'd feel that way too when we first got a hospice nurse to help me take care of my dad, but that feeling evaporated quickly!!! The help they give is priceless… as long as you have a good nurse, if you don't like them, ask for a different one. For reals, the nurse can make ALL the difference in the world! 🙂 And the chairs look great! Can't wait til he has his very own. Such a cutie!!! 🙂
Woman, I owe you a huge apology. You're probably wondering where the heck I've been – I haven't commented forever. Well, my reader isn't seeming to update properly. I see that you've posted quite a bit lately – and all this time, I've been wondering where you are. Ugh. I will get caught up tomorrow. I have only glanced at this post and oh my goodness, are those cute pictures of Grayson, or what?! He looks so happy 🙂
What an awesome ride!!! Love the last pic of him in the crib. 🙂
The chair is really cool looking! And the bath seat! And a nurse! Good news all 'round 🙂
Love that you're getting all this help and equipment! The chair looks awesome!!!
His new chair is awesome – I think it looks like a stroller! That bath chair is cool! Does he like bath time?