Reading, Writing and Listening: September 2018
I’m going to start tracking monthly the books I’ve read, exceptional podcast episodes I’ve listened to, and places my writing is published other than on my own blog.
Books I Read
Educated by Tara Westover: I’m linking this first because I can’t stop thinking about this book and recommending it. Educated is a memoir of a woman raised in backwoods Idaho but a fundamentalist, survivalist Mormon family. She had no formal education in her childhood and adolescence, but taught herself enough to be accepted into BYU, and eventually earned a PhD from Cambridge. The writing is exceptional and the story gripping. READ THIS BOOK.
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo: Every white person needs to read this book.
In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch: I read this for a book club. It was an entertaining, engaging story, but I disliked all the characters.
You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero: I loved the original You are a Badass and this one was good too. It made me think about money in ways I hadn’t ever before, and also made me realize how much internalized negativity I have about money as well. I have work to do.
Post Traumatic Church Syndrome by Reba Riley: I love memoirs, and I found this one really interesting. It’s written by an “ex-vangelical” who creates a project to try 30 religions by her 30th birthday, all while battling chronic illness. My favorite chapter was the day she spent with the Amish- I found them so kind and endearing.
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Faber and Julie King: I’m only about a third through this book on audio- forcing myself to listen to a few chapters a day. Parenting books are not my favorite, but I will admit, the advice in this one works. I really struggle with getting my kids to listen, and it really is amazing how reframing situations and using specific language eliminates a lot of frustration for both them and me.
Podcasts I Listened To
Writing from Opposite Sides: Jodi Picoult Asks the Big Questions– For the Love with Jen Hatmaker: Jodi Picoult has a new novel releasing this week (I’m going to hear her on her book tour next weekend and can’t wait!). This interview with Jen Hatmaker about writing, political conversations and abortion was SO good.
White Savior Series: Failed Missionary- This podcast is so interesting with its discussions with former missionaries and POC who were on the receiving end of the missionaries’ efforts. It’s worth a listen for anyone involved in Christian missions.
Christian: Part 1 and 2-The Liturgists Podcast- I really appreciated these conversations as I struggle with the question of “Do I still consider myself a Christian and what does that mean if I do?”. Part 1 is cohosted by Rachel Held Evans and Part 2 by Jennifer Knapp, two of my favorites.
Articles I Wrote Elsewhere
The ACA Protects Medically Fragile Children Like My Son: Texas Tribune
If we become a nation that refuses to care for the sick and disabled, where only the rich can afford medical care, we will never be great. Children like Grayson will continue to pay the price for the greed of those determining whose life is worth saving.
I Was Victimized by the Purity Movement: Scary Mommy
It was never about purity. It was never about what was best for me and my spiritual development. It was never about my future marriage. It was about control of my body and the pursuit of political power.
I Send My Child to Preschool Every Day…And I Still Let Him Be Little: Houston Moms Blog
If I had a general parenting philosophy, it would be whatever works. No two kids have the same personality and no two families have the same dynamics. So mama, YOU DO YOU. Don’t let anyone tell you what’s best for your family, because no one knows better than you what’s really going to make your family thrive.
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