#NaBloPoMo Day 25: Assorted Thoughts
November 25, 2017
I’m at the point in #NaBloPoMo where I feel like I’m going to be limping to the finish, and trying to come up with topics to write about feels impossible anymore. So, instead of a cohesive blog post today, here are some assorted random thoughts.
- I’m having a bit of a vulnerability hangover today from my post yesterday, which, as expected, got a variety of reactions.
- Ryan took Charlotte to a high school football playoff game today. They left at 8:45 am for the game that started at noon. I was laughing when he texted me at 11:45 to tell me Charlotte said she was ready to go home.
- Something is off with Grayson today. He was up retching a lot last night (and we didn’t have a nurse) and today has just been really restless and whiny. Usually his Veggie Tales and me holding him makes him happy, but those don’t seem to be working today. It’s like he can’t get comfortable, and his tone is super high today.
- We have been home all day and Nolan has not played with one toy, but he’s kept himself busy. He’s currently sitting on the floor arranging scraps of paper and fuzzy pompoms. This reaffirms that we have too many toys and don’t need any more.
- I finished the kids’ Christmas shopping yesterday, and am feeling so good about the Want/Need/Wear/Read format we are doing this year. Even though what poor Grayson needs a mattress pad- not very exciting. I’m always a little sad when it comes to him and holidays.
- I can’t decide if I want to do Christmas cards this year. Last year I didn’t, and really didn’t miss doing them.
- When are we going to put our Christmas decorations up? Ugh.
- Laura Tremaine posted this on IG yesterday and it really resonated with me.
Happy Saturday everyone!