#NaBloPoMo Day 11: I Hate Saturdays
I hate Saturdays.
Today has felt like three days combined into one, with hours and hours of unstructured, unscheduled time. My children (and also me) do not do well with no schedule or structure.
The day started out well: we had a Mito family social at a play gym and everyone had a great time. But then we got home, and no one would nap, except us parents really wanted to nap…and you can imagine how that went.
Then I took Charlotte with me while I got my haircut, and what should have been 45 minutes of relaxation and self care just…wasn’t.
When we got home, it was only 2:45, with hours and hours to go until bedtime.
I guess I should have taken the kids to the park. I should have been more patient. I should have not taken it personally when no one would eat dinner so I made them peanut butter sandwiches instead. But I’m hanging by a thread over here, and all I wanted to do was close my eyes and not talk to anyone.
Saturdays make me anxious. Saturdays make me annoyed. And Saturdays do not inspire great writing either, apparently.
And that’s all I have for today.