Letters to Charlotte: 4 Years

Dear Charlotte,
Happy Birthday to my best girl! Last Friday, you turned four years old, and I think both of us are very much looking forward to this coming year. Age three was a year of a lot of growth for you, and while I will always carry sweet memories of you at age three, I won’t soon forget how challenging it was either. But recently, I see a side of you emerging that is softer, and more mature, and I can’t wait to see who Four Year Old Charlotte turns out to be.

Charlotte, at 4 years old you:
- Weigh 34.8 pounds (52%) and are 39.25 inches tall (43%)
- Wear size 4T clothes and size 8 shoes
- Went an entire year without being sick once
- Know all your letters and most of their sounds. You are obsessed with the letter “C” and point out “C for Charlotte” letters constantly
- Are beginning to write letters although you don’t have much interest in it most days
- Love to play pretend, swing, watch your shows, and do any kind of art project
- Cannot stand to be by yourself. It’s a struggle to get you to go to your room or play room if anyone else in the family is downstairs
- Finally are turning around your relationship with Grayson. Lately, you have been really sweet to him- giving him hugs and kisses and bringing him toys
- Adore Nolan and love playing with him, but you also get super frustrated with him when he takes your stuff or messes up your projects. I don’t blame you. But for the most part you are sweet to him and my favorite thing is to hear you encourage and praise him.
- Love school and are always happy to go. Your favorite class is still drama.
We had a tea party on Saturday with a few close friends and family, and you absolutely loved it. You colored flower pots and planted seeds, played in the backyard with your friends, ate Chick Fil A nuggets and drank “tea” (hot cocoa) from real glass tea cups. Aunt Hannah made gorgeous, delicious cupcakes, and you got some really great new toys and art supplies.