So What Wednesday
March 17, 2016
It’s been awhile since I did one of these, and I feel like my whole existence right now is a big ol’ SO WHAT, so here goes…
So What that…
- I’ve been on a major purging/decluttering binge the past few days and am totally throwing sentimentality out the window. If I haven’t used it/worn it in a year: gone. I’ve taken two huge loads to Goodwill, sold a ton of stuff on FB (I’ve made over $300 so far!) and kept our garbage collectors in business this week.
- I’ve sold a huge number of our wedding gifts. After almost 8 years and 4 moves of never once using those tiny coffee cups and saucers, I’m done. Give me my $5 plastic coffee cup that I use every morning, please.
- I stopped breastfeeding this week. For several reasons, it was the best thing for both Nolan and me. And although I’m a little sad, I’m 95% relieved and at peace with it. And yesterday I promptly sold my pump, pads, and tanks. It’s strange to think that after 5 1/2 years of a very emotional relationship with infant feeding, I’m almost done, and won’t have to stress over it ever again.
- I’m torn between wanting Nolan to stay my little baby and also ready for him to grow up a little. Six months is definitely the baby sweet spot for me, and each day he grows more and more adorable. He’s getting close to sitting on his own, grabs at everything, and interacts and communicates more than just with screams. I love holding him, rocking him and relishing his squishy baby-ness, but I’m also looking forward to him playing with his sister at the park and being able to eat a meal at a restaurant with two hands.
- I haven’t started solids with Nolan yet. I know he’s ready, but our high chair is in storage. That’s my official excuse, anyway. The other truth is that ugh, it’s another person to think about feeding, which is just not my favorite. We move in a week and a half, so let the baby-led weaning begin in April!
- I actually Googled “Potty Training Coach” this afternoon. But for real, is this a thing? Because I’m totally ready to outsource this particular parenting duty.
- I still have three children in diapers. So what, right?
- I ordered an over-the-top play set for our new backyard. It’s impossible for me to take my three to the park by myself, so I’m bringing the park to us.
What are you saying So What to this week?
We waited to potty train Ryan and it was the best decision ever! When we started at 3.75yrs, he had it down in a day! Seriously! It's been a piece of cake! I'm so glad I didn't push it early, it definitely would've been much more of a struggle! Also…Ryan was still primarily just drinking milk at ONE! That boy loved his milk! And he was and still is in the 99% weight/height.