Just Surviving
February 20, 2015
I’ve gotten away from writing about the day to day happenings of life, and want to get back to doing more of that again. I know in the years to come, I’ll appreciate my efforts at documenting the every day, normal details of our family’s life.
First, thank you so much for all your congratulations on our big news. We are so excited about adding to our family and embracing the chaos that will be our family of five. I’m currently 10 weeks, and feeling terrible. This has been my most difficult first trimester, with near constant nausea and daily vomiting. I’m also constantly starving, and eating is the only thing that makes me feel temporarily less sick, so I’m consuming an obsene amount of food every day. But the good news is at 8 weeks, the baby looked perfect on ultrasound, and was measuring exactly to the day of what I knew he/she should be.
I’m trying to give myself a break about my parenting, because honestly, I’m just surviving these days. Charlotte watches hours of Daniel Tiger daily, and I nap whenever she does and go to bed minutes after I put her down most nights. I don’t think there’s any permanent damage for her though, because she continues to be her sweet, sassy self and is actually learning to play on her own and is developing quite the imagination. Thankfully, she also has lots of activities during her week, and continues to thrive at school and church. Grayson is my lounge-on-the-couch partner in crime, and we snuggle every afternoon after school for a few hours before his nurse arrives to put him to bed.
So I just have a few weeks left in this first trimester and hopefully I can get into the I love being pregnant (because I do!) phase.
This week has been kind of crazy and stressful. My grandfather is really sick and my parents have been in Michigan all week with him and my grandmother. It’s so hard to be so far away and not able to do anything to help. In addition to that, Ryan has been home sick from work all week and yesterday tested positive for the flu! I am normally about the opposite of a germaphobe, but I’ll admit I freaked out a little yesterday and proceeded to try and disinfect the entire house. We sent Ryan to my parents’ house since they are gone, and started Grayson on Tamiflu to hopefully prevent him from getting sick (the flu could be devastating for him, and at the very least we would be in the hospital). I’ve loaded Charlotte and myself up with vitamins and bathed us in essential oils, and have prayed a lot. So far, Grayson and I don’t have any flu symptoms, but poor Charlotte looks like she might be coming down with it. I picked her up from school today and her face was bright red, watery eyes, runny nose and a little cough. She is acting ok, other than maybe a little more fussy and irritaible than usual, and doesn’t have a fever, but I’ve got an appointment with the pediatrician in the morning to have her tested.
Hopefully the next few weeks will bring relief from all this sickness: flu sickness and first trimester sickness- and we can get back to really enjoying life!
I am so sorry you have been feeling so bad!! Just a few more weeks!! And no shame on the insane amounts of TV. . . I am pretty sure Clara and Camille watched endless hours of baby einstein as I laid on the floor falling asleep those first 10-12 weeks!!
Phew, be gentle with yourself when you're in that exhausted, nauseous part of pregnancy. I was barely surviving the first 17 weeks with Harvey! I hope you're feeling better soon!
Love to you and yours. Life as a human crock pot isn't easy at any stage, but I feel like the first 12 weeks and the last 3 weeks are the worst. I hope the flu blows buy you and that the endless nausea and narcolepsy swishes on with it. And isn't Daniel Tiger the best thing that has happened to parents since velcro?
Daniel Tiger is the best. Last night we watched the episode about Teacher Harriet's birthday and then E needed to make her own rainbow present for Teacher Harriet and went about gluing bits of construction paper onto a box for waaaaay longer than she normally plays by herself! I hope you get to feeling human again soon!
Ugh, things sound REALLY rough right now. Take it easy. Watch more Daniel Tiger. And when those run out, watch something else. (Though Daniel Tiger is AWESOME and teaches kids AWESOME stuff.)
I hope you (and Ryan!) start feeling better soon. Stay healthy!
this is fantastic work, It is just awesome to do that work. Lost and found