Letters to Charlotte: Two Years!
Dear Charlotte,
Happy Birthday! We’ve had a full two days of celebrating you, and you are really digging the attention, presents and CAKE. Yesterday, we started the day with a breakfast party with your Grammie, Uncle David (with whom you share a birthday), Aunt Hannah, Theo, and Uncle Peter. Aunt Hannah surprised you with these adorable Daniel Tiger cake pops. You polished off two of those at breakfast.
Then, after an afternoon visit from Aunt Robin and Megan, we had a second family party with Grandmommy and Dear, Aunt Brittany and Uncle Tim, and Cooper and Quincey. You got loads of presents, dined on tacos, and of course, birthday cake.
Today, your actual birthday, was also full of friends and fun. Mommy had Bible study this morning, so you got to hang out with your church friends at Sonshine class, and then this afternoon we went to another friend’s house for more cake and play.
For your birthday, Mommy and Daddy gave you a set of magnetic paper dolls, a few books, a nice set of wood blocks, and a BIG GIRL BED! Although I’m nowhere near ready for you to sleep in it just yet (you do great in your crib and have never once tried to climb out) it’s nice that it’s there and set up for when you are ready to transition.
Charlotte, at 2 years old you:
- Weigh 27 pounds
- Wear size 2T clothes, size 5 diapers and size 5 shoes
- Are a very good eater, although vegetables are not your thing
- Sleep from about 7 pm- 7 am with one afternoon nap
- Love Daniel Tiger
- Talk all day long, and are now speaking in 3 to 4 words sentences
- Have started pretend play, especially with your baby dolls and in your play kitchen. It’s adorable
- Love to color
- Tell me, if anything isn’t working the way you want it to, that it’s “broken and needs batteries”.
- Have a strong will and feisty personality, but are generally agreeable and obedient.
Charlotte, this is the last of your monthly letters, and the last of me trying to capture some good pictures with these monthly stickers. I hope that when you read these some day, you will know how much I love you and how special and treasured you are. I love you sweet girl- Happy, Happy Birthday!
Hard to believe your baby girl is two. The years go by so fast don't they? Praying for you and your family today, and every day. Hope you have a FANTASTIC DAY my friend! God is good!
So precious! She is just adorable! Happy Happy 02 to sweet C!