(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Around Here
April 24, 2014
This video pretty well sums up the relationship between my children these days: a lot of sweet, tender moments that turn into Aaaaaa! moments in an instant. (Any suggestions to get Charlotte to stop hurting her brother and liking it- aaaa!- are welcome).
And just for fun, some pictures I took yesterday at the park that just make me laugh.
Grayson can’t talk, but his looks say plenty. I think he’s trying to tell me to stop putting him in the stroller- he doesn’t fit anymore! (Come on insurance- we need a wheelchair!)
This little diva is ready for summer!
It was awesome to see Grayson so interested in the egg. I didn't know he had that much interest in things like eggs. I can't believe insurance is taking so long for a wheelchair! That is awful!
I'm so impressed with Grayson holding that ball (and following it with his eyes when Charlotte takes it away)! That's awesome!! Very purposeful! Ryan loves those spikey balls and if Reagan were to take one away from him (which she can't do anyway), he would hit her in the face (like he's doing to everyone right now)! I would love to know how to stop that! It drives me crazy!