Letters to Charlotte: 15 Months
Dear Charlotte,
Happy Easter! Today you are 15 months old, and we spent the long weekend at the ranch with Daddy, Grayson, Grammie, and Aunt Becc. We had so much fun! We got you a red wagon as your Easter present, and put it to good use rolling you all over.
The biggest excitement around here lately is you are WALKING! So many people have told me “just wait” and “be careful what you wish for” about you learning to walk, but so far, I absolutely love it. It has opened up a whole new world for us, and you can just do so much more. I love watching you become more and more independent and get where you need to go without being on your hands and knees all the time. Plus, you are just so dang cute waddling along.
At 15 months old, you weigh exactly 22 pounds, you are in size 18 month clothing and size 4 diapers. You still have only 4 teeth. You have been an excellent eater the past few weeks, often asking for “more! more!” when you finish the helping of whatever is on your tray. You are still drinking milk out of a bottle before bed and naps and are still nursing occasionally, although I think our breastfeeding days are coming to a close. This makes me a little wistful, but I’m definitely more okay with it than I thought I would be. I’ve always said it was going to be your call when we were done, so I’m holding you to that.
You are learning more and more words every day. My favorite lately is when you say “yes”. You nod your head and say “Yup”- it’s adorable. You have also recently learned “No”, coordinating with a shake of your head- oy.
Lately, you’ve been struggling with interacting with Grayson gently- for some reason, you find grabbing his face and his hair irresistible and we’ve had plenty of tears (yours and Grayson’s) when I pull you off of him repeatedly. This afternoon, though, we witnessed the sweetest moment between you and your brother. We were outside on the patio, and I asked you to bring Grayson a ball to hold. You brought him the ball, and then proceeded to open his hand and place the ball in it. You were trying so hard to help him hold the ball- both Daddy and I had tears in our eyes. You are the sweetest, most loving sister to Grayson, and I know you never mean to hurt him.
Charlotte, you are such a joy and it’s hard to believe that we only met you 15 months ago. I love you so much- thank you for making life so fun!
What a sweet girl. That moment with the ball brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
She is such a gorgeous girl on the inside and out! I love the ball story and that she was helping him, what a perceptive sweet pea at such a young age! love her!
What a loving little big sister! How sweet that she was helping Grayson hold the ball. She's a sweetie!