Highlights of Our Week
1. While Grayson was at school on Tuesday, Charlotte and I went to the zoo with our good friends! Charlotte wasn’t as taken with the animals as I thought she would be, but she loved riding in the wagon and eating snacks. And we had a great lunch at Chick-Fil-A afterwards. Fun day!
2. We rarely if ever leave the house once we are home from getting Grayson from school, but since we had the nurse that night, Charlotte and I went to her daddy’s game. I’m so glad we did- she had a blast. She cheered and clapped and hung out with the team manager the whole game. I hope she has many, many games on the other side of the fence in a few years.
3. We had lunch Wednesday with one of my best friends who I haven’t seen in awhile. I sadly don’t have any pictures, but I should have taken some of the epic mess Charlotte made with the basket of tortilla chips and a (not quite empty) water cup.
3. Grayson’s new chair for hanging out at home was delivered yesterday, and so far we love it! It supports him SO much better than his big bumbo seat. I put him in it after school today for the first time, and he was content for almost 2 hours until bedtime!
4. Today, we went to the Children’s Museum with some friends. Charlotte and P are 10 days apart and are so cute together- they truly look like they could be sisters! By the way, I want Charlotte’s outfit in my size. Old Navy for the win!
5. These two. I missed Sibling Day yesterday, so I took some shots this afternoon of these goofballs. They sure do love each other. Not pictured: the thousand times I had to pull Charlotte off her brother because she was trying to rip his face off. Sigh.
6. THIS is now happening in our house. Very exciting!
What a great week indeed! I love her cheering at the game! So so cute! Precious pics of the kids together, I love her hugging all over G. So sweet!!
Wow. That sounds like a fun week! Isa wasn't that interested in the animals at the zoo for the longest time. Now she loves them. Give Charlotte some time, she'll come around.
Yay for lunch with good friends. I'd do anything to have lunch with a good friend right now (I did get to have dinner with a good friend last week and it truly nourished my soul).
That children's museum looks super fun. I love museum's like that. Especially with friends.
Those pictures are too cute! I love all of them.
WOOO HOOOO! Go Charlotte!!!!!
Oh my gosh, she is getting so big! She is just adorable. The pictures of Charlotte and Grayson seriously had me tearing up, so precious. Glad you had such a good week! And sorry I've been MIA, hiding in my little bubble of denial. LOL.