Grayson's Room
The quilt on the bed (where Grayson’s nurse sleeps) is a hand-me-down from my friend- I love giving and receiving hand-me-downs; sometimes they are better/more special than brand new! My mom bought him the blackout curtains for Christmas and G’s been napping great because we are able to keep the room so dark. The alphabet picture on the wall was a gift from the same friend as the quilt.
This built in bookshelf may look a little cluttered, but everything on it has special significance and I love that all the items represent a special part or time in Grayson’s life. Below the shelf are cabinets where we are keeping all his medication and medical supplies: feeding bags, syringes, etc. I love that it’s all contained in one place and we can prepare his meds right in his room.
This quilt that hangs on the back of Grayson’s bed was his Christmas present from his Aunt Robin. It’s so beautiful, and of course includes his beloved Veggie Tales. Robin also made quilts for me and Charlotte- she is so talented and we love them (and her)!
I had the picture of the beads Grayson received at the Beads of Courage event printed on a canvas and framed the invitation- they are hanging right over the head of his bed. That was such a special night and I love having a reminder of it every time I go in the room.
Grayson’s nickname he was given at 5 days old that definitely stuck.
This is a little part of the room devoted to two of the most special gifts Grayson has ever received, based on the poem “Welcome to Holland”. If you haven’t been reading my blog long, go read this post about the picture- it will give you chills. The wooden shoes were a Christmas gift this year from Grayson’s Aunt Brittany. They are actual wooden shoes from Holland and she had an artist friend personalize them just for Grayson. I could not possibly love them more.
This is Grayson’s shower- I’m showing it because it’s definitely a miracle that his chair just barely fit!
I saw this sign at Hob.by Lob.by a few months ago and knew I just had to have it for Grayson’s room.
I meant to take a few pictures of the actual human who lives in this room, but I forgot at bedtime and I don’t want to risk waking him. I’m sure there will be plenty in the future though- hoping for many happy days ahead!
Oh my goodness, I adore his room! You did an amazing job decorating it!!! I loooooove the canvas of his vt beads, what a beautiful piece of personal art!!!!
I love his room! You did a wonderful job and paid attention to all kids of details 🙂
Oh! His room is AWESOME! I love the picture of the beads. And his bed. Amazing. I'm so glad he–and you–have this space.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grayson's room!!! It is perfect, and I'm so thankful that God blessed you with this space for him!
I LOVE that you took a photo if those beads and had the canvas made. Awesome!
His room is cozy! I love it!
I love it! You have done a wonderful job. You hardly notice that the room is for special needs. It looks warm, inviting and decorated with love for sure.
This is absolutely perfect!! I love it!!!