2014 Goals
Thank you all for your comments and support on my last post. Yes, 2013 was a pretty crappy year, but in 3.5 hours it will be over. So, ONWARD.
I’ve been reading a lot of New Years resolutions/goals posts today and have been thinking about my own. The last thing I want to do is create unnecessary stress and anxiety for myself, but I think it’s healthy to have some sort of an idea of the things I want to accomplish this year.
So, for what it’s worth, here are my goals for the coming year:
1. Don’t die.
2. Update and organize my “In Case I Die (or happen to go on vacation)” binder on Grayson’s day-to-day care
3. Go on a vacation. I really want to go to the UMDF symposium this year, a girls’ trip with my bestie, and a trip to North Carolina- my cousins are both having babies this year! All three are probably unrealistic, but maybe at least one…
4. Be intentional and responsible with money. We have already taken several steps to cut back on spending (getting rid of cable, trading in my van for an older model) but I want to do more.
5. Be generous. Buy more gifts for people and give more to church.
6. Learn to grocery shop and cook. I am the world’s worst meal planner, and need to learn how, especially since I have a little person now who eats actual food, not round-the-clock formula from a can.
7. Keep the clutter OUT. Over the past year, we have drastically cut down on our amount of possessions, and it feels so good. Since I am a disorganized, messy person by nature, the less stuff I have to keep in its place, the better.
8. Eat better. You know, more whole foods, fruits and vegetables, less processed stuff. I’m doing a 30 day challenge in January to hopefully jump start this for me, and I’m also hoping I can lose about 5 pounds this month.
9. Read/research and implement more natural health remedies and preventative care. I’ve recently started using essential oils and want to do a lot more with them.
10. Blog at least 3 times/week.
11. Start early and plan thoughtful, intentional Christmas gifts for family and friends. I received amazing gifts this year and want to do the same for my people next year.
12. Take better care of myself. I want to find some good hair products, buy some clothes, and try to look less old and haggard.
Well, I was trying to think of 2 more so I could have 14 goals for ’14, but I’m tired and out of ideas. Yes, I am that person who is in bed asleep by 10:00 on New Years Eve. No shame.
Happy New Year, ya’ll!
That seems a lot of things to work toward in 2014 but if anyone can do it, it's you. I'm so sorry 2013 was so awful, but I really hope 2014 brings you and your family really good things. You all deserve some real happiness this year.
Sending good thoughts. Happy New Year!
Happy happy 2014 dear friend. That is a mighty long list, but good plan to get organized and to be the gatekeeper of clutter at the door of your new house!! Here we go…bring it on 2014!
I love your #11. I love it so much!
We were in bed at 10:00 too, but let Matthew sleep with us and watch Polar Express until 11:30. None of us made it to the new year. HA!
Wonderful goals! Decluttering is up there on my list (though I forgot to put it on my blog post – ha!). Everything in life feels calmer and easier if I'm not surrounded by STUFF. May 2014 be a kinder year for you…
I love all your resolutions! I haven't resolved to do anything yet except help others more (like intentionally help someone/family once a month). I hope you are able to keep yours, and if you aren't, that you won't be stressed or guilty about it! 🙂 Sending love!